Cannot Find Module npm-cli.js Ubuntu

In this video, i am going to show you how to fix cannot find module npm-cli.js on linux ubuntu.

The “cannot find module npm-cli.js” error on Ubuntu often arises due to a corrupted npm installation, permission issues, conflicts with global npm packages, or misconfigured environmental paths. To resolve this, reinstall npm using sudo apt remove npm and then sudo apt install npm, clear the npm cache with npm cache clean -f, check for conflicting global packages using npm list -g –depth=0, and ensure correct environmental paths. These steps collectively address potential issues and should eliminate the error, allowing for a properly functioning npm on your Ubuntu system.

1. For uninstall and Clean : sudo apt remove npm && npm cache clean -f

2. For reinstall : sudo apt install npm

3. Verify npm Installation: npm –version


#npm #nodejs #nodejs20 #nodejs20.x #not #found #error #npm-cli #npmcli #js #error #ubuntu #ubuntu22 #ubuntututorial #ubuntucode #ubuntu20 #ubuntulinux #ubuntuserver

Search Queries:

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