CCNA 200 301 Chapter 1 Network Fundamentals Lab 001 IPv4 Addressing and Subnetting Configuration
To configure and verify IPv4 addressing and subnetting on a network with one router, two switches, and two PCs.
In this lab I will introduce you to basic IPv4 address configuration and subnetting on a Cisco Router 4300 device. Every interface on the router will be connected to a network for sending and receiving traffic must have an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
Each IP address on the Router must belong to a different network subnet from the other IP addresses on the same Router.
Each PC connected to a switch will be part of a network and the default gateway IP for each PC will be the IP address of the corresponding router interface. The main objectives of this lab is to provide connectivity between PC0 and PC1 which each resides in a different network segment.
Command Summary List:
enable: enters privileged EXEC mode
configure terminal: enters global configuration mode from privileged EXEC mode
hostname: Assign a device name to router
interface [type number]: Change from global configuration mode to interface configuration mode
ip address [ip address] [subnet-mask]: assign an IPv4 address to an interface
no shutdown: enables an interface
copy running-config startup-config: save the running configuration to the startup-configuration file
show ip interface brief: display a summary of all IPv4 addresses configured on the Router’s interfaces
ping [ip-address]: Sends an ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) echo request to the specified address
show running-config: displays the active running configuration file
exit: exits one level in the menu structure command
Equipment Required:
• Cisco router
• Cisco switches (2)
• Console cable
• Ethernet cables
• Computers with terminal emulation software (e.g., PuTTY) (2)
• PCs with Ethernet interfaces (2)
IP Addresses:
• Interface gig0/0/0:
• Interface gig0/0/1:
• Fa0:
• Fa0 Default Gateway:
• Fa0:
• Fa0 Default Gateway:
Lab Tasks:
1- Configure Router with a hostname of “Router_Gateway”. Enable both interfaces Gig0/0/0 and Gig0/0/1
2- Configure each interface with the appropriate IPv4 address mentioned above
3- Configure PC1 and PC0 with the appropriate IPv4 address mentioned above
4- Verify your configuration by using “show ip interface brief”, “show running-configuration” and “ping” commands. The ping should be successful
00:05 – Introduction
02:55 – Configure IPv4 address on a Cisco Router using Packet Tracer
05:55 – Configure IPv4 address on a PC/Laptop using Packet Tracer
09:10 – Connectivity verification between PCs
10:30 – Conclusion
Configuration Steps:
1- Physical Connection:
a. Connect your computer to the console port of the router using the console cable.
b. Connect Switch 1 to one Ethernet interface on the router using an Ethernet cable.
c. Connect PC1 to Switch 1 using an Ethernet cable.
d. Connect PC0 to Switch 0 using an Ethernet cable.
2- Terminal Access:
a. Open a terminal emulation program (e.g., PuTTY) on your computer.
b. Configure the terminal emulator to connect to the console port of the router using the appropriate COM port and baud rate settings.
3- Router Configuration:
a. Access the router’s console through the terminal emulator.
b. Enter privileged EXEC mode by typing enable and providing the enable password if prompted.
c. Enter global configuration mode by typing configure terminal.
d. Configure IP addresses on each router interface connected to the switches:
i. interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
ii. ip address
iii. no shutdown
iv. interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
v. ip address
vi. no shutdown
e. Exit configuration mode by typing end.
4- PC Configuration:
a. Configure PC1’s network settings to use the following IPv4 address:, subnet mask, default gateway
b. Similarly, configure PC0’s network settings to use IP address, subnet mask, default gateway
5- Verification:
a. Verify the configured IP addresses and interfaces on the router, switches, and PCs using appropriate show or network configuration commands.
b. Test connectivity between PC1, PC2, and the router by pinging each other’s IP addresses.
6- Subnetting (Optional):
a. Practice subnetting by dividing the provided IP address ranges into smaller subnets and assigning IP addresses to hosts within each subnet.
b. Configure additional IP addresses and subnets on the router, switches, and PCs interfaces accordingly.
c. Verify the new subnet configurations using appropriate show commands.
In this lab, you have successfully configured and verified IPv4 addressing and subnetting on a network with one router, two switches, and two PCs. You have learned how to assign IP addresses to router, switch, and PC interfaces, verify connectivity, and practice subnetting to create smaller subnets within a network range.