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CCNA 200 301 Chapter 1 Network Fundamentals Lab 002 IPv4 Addressing on a Switch

Welcome to our CCNA 200-301 lab series! In this lab, we dive into the fundamentals of networking with a focus on IPv4 addressing on a switch. Whether you’re a seasoned network professional or just starting your journey in the world of IT, this lab offers valuable hands-on experience that aligns with the CCNA exam objectives.

Join us as we explore the essentials of IPv4 addressing within a switch environment. From configuring VLANs to assigning IP addresses, we’ll walk you through each step of the process, providing clear explanations and practical demonstrations along the way.

By the end of this lab, you’ll have a solid understanding how to apply IPv4 addresses on switches, setting a strong foundation for your networking career. So grab your gear, follow along, and let’s get started on this exciting learning journey!

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Lab Objective:
The objective of this lab is to configure and verify IPv4 addressing on switches with VLANs, ensuring connectivity between computers within the same VLAN across multiple switches. By building this lab network you will be able to learn the basic commands needed to configure a switch with the default VLAN.

Lab Tasks, Topology and Lab Solution can be found in the link below:–Ku9ukSGIjf5OJ/view?usp=drive_link

Packet Tracer Lab (Pre-configuration) URL:

Packet Tracer Lab (Post-configuration) URL:

Equipment Required:
– 2x Cisco Switches (2960)
– 2x PCs with ethernet interface
– Console Cable
– Ethernet Cable
– Computer with Terminal emulation software e.g. PuTTY

IPv4 Address Table:
Switch 1 – VLAN1 – –
Switch 2 – VLAN1 – –
Host 1 – Fa0 – –
Host 2 – Fa0 – –

Lab Task:
1- Connect the switches and computers as per the topology diagram.
2- Configure the appropriate hostname on each device as per topology.
3- Configure VLANs on both switches:
a. Create VLAN 10 on Switch 1 and Switch 2.
b. Assign VLAN names (e.g., VLAN10).
c. Configure VLAN interfaces with IP addresses as per IPv4 address table above.
4- Configure switch ports:
a. Assign ports on Switch 1 to VLAN 10.
b. Assign ports on Switch 2 to VLAN 10.
5- Verify that each switchport is in the appropriate VLAN
6- Configure IP addresses on Host1&2:
a. Configure Host 1 with IP address and default gateway
b. Configure Host 2 with IP address and default gateway
7- Verify connectivity:
a. Test connectivity between PC 1 and PC 2 using the ping command.
b. Ensure successful ping replies between the two computers.
8- Save Configuration

00:05 – Introduction
01:00 – Topology and objectives walkthrough
04:30 – Configure Cisco Switches with a single VLAN and an SVI
13:30 – Configure Host 1 and 2 interface Fast Ethernet 0 with IPv4 addresses
15:40 – Connectivity verification between PCs
17:55 – Conclusion

In this lab, you have successfully configured and verified IPv4 addressing on switches with VLANs. By assigning ports to VLANs and configuring IP addresses on VLAN interfaces, you have established communication between computers within the same VLAN across multiple switches.




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.