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CCNA QUIZ // Route Types // #shorts

CCNA Quiz // Route Types
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20 thoughts on “CCNA QUIZ // Route Types // #shorts

  • ##################
    ### EXPLANATION ###

    When you configure an IP address on a router's interface an enable it, the router will automatically add two routes to its routing table:
    1) a connected route (C) to the subnet of the interfaces
    2) a local route (L) to the exact IP address of the interface (with a /32 prefix length)

  • I'm re studying for the CCNA and these quizzes are both helping and keeping me on my toes

  • Thanks! I'm not there yet on my CCNA studies but I watch all your shorts just to gain knowledge and read the explanations also. Hopefully, it will help me get ahead of the game lol.

  • Hi Jeremy. Today I passed the CCNA thanks to entirely you!
    You earned my eternal respect and I left a tip on your Patreon.
    I recommend your course to every friend of mine who's interested in networking.
    Keep up the good work!

  • I've been following your CCNA course on Udemy they are awesome 😊 ! And Thank you for making these quizzes, there are really helpful.

  • I actually had an argument with my fiancé , about the pronunciation of the word “ router”. She insists it is ROO-ter and not ROW-ter … 😅 Thank you for the quiz!!!

  • Btw, I'm finally confident I will pass the ccna with 90% from your goodwill, and will begin the encore in next couple weeks although I won't be near as late to the party as I was for the ccna LoL. Thanks for everything J, and I will def let you know when I pass!

  • ALWAYS Love these shorts J, good work and looking forward to more!

  • thanks for making these quizzes. they do help and i appreciate the effort.

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