Computer NetworksNETWORKS

CCNP-Switch 300-115-Managing MAC Address Table

Layer 2 Technologies:
Configure and verify switch administration:
Managing MAC Address Table:
A switch maintains a dynamically built address table using the source MAC addresses of received frames. The switch takes the received frame and its incoming MAC address of the sending device with the LAN port it was received on and puts that in the address table. If the switch receives a frame and sees that the destination MAC address is not listed in the address table, it will flood that frame to all LAN ports of the same VLAN. When the destination replies, the switch adds that source MAC address to the table. MAC entries are retained on switch reboot. To maintain a clean table, an aging timer is used to remove inactive Media Access Control addresses from the table.


mac address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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