4 thoughts on “CentOS 7 Firewall Rich Rules

  • Hi , I like to ask you regarding rich rule. If i want to allow only one specific IP for ssh login and block all. How can i set it in rich rule.

  • Hi, can you tell me how you stacked both server console outputs in one single Virtualbix Window?

  • Hey thank you so much for these very clear and useful videos. I have a question for you. It's not clear for me the difference between adding a service and adding a port. It's sounds the same for me. I know for instance I can set my sshd on port 5522 for instance, this means I have to open 5522, but what about the service? Please help to understand this. Thanks. Marco

  • Nice Tuto, thank you
    why don't you use "ip a" instead of "ip addr show" ?, i think it's easier

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