Change Dongle Password or Know Your Wi-Fi Dongle Password
In this video i will explain how to know Your Wi-fi Dongle eaisly ..
U can know password of any dongle .. u can change its password or rename ur ssid that is ur name of wifi.
first open ur
1)control panel .
2) network and sharing .. click on this
3) click on ethernet
4) Click on details
5) Note down the ip ..ipv4 or DHCP ip
6) open ur browser & enter this ip in url
7) the login dashboard is open
8) default username and password is admin
9) enter this user id & password
10) u on the main dashboard
11) click on the setting
12) click on the wi-fi setting
13) in the right showing the ssid its ur name and password u can change from here
14) click on apply button and then logout as ur wish ..
15) thanks for reading this document ..