Change Ownership and Group of File in Linux #command #linux #change #owner #group #file #commandline

#change #ownership #owner #group #of #file #linux #ubuntu #command #line #ubuntu #commandline #terminal #ubuntu22 #ubuntututorial #ubuntucode #ubuntu20 #ubuntulinux #ubuntuserver #linux #linuxserver #linuxtutorial #linuxcode #linuxcommand #ubuntucommand

In this video tutorial, i am going to show you how to change owner and group of file in linux with command line.

Linux command to change the file ownership and group: sudo chown USER_NAME:GROUP_NAME FILE_NAME

#tutorial #guide

Here are some more linux command to change ownership and the group of a files or folders in linux:

1. Change owner of a file: chown new_owner file.txt

2. Change owner and group of a directory: chown user:group /path/to/directory

3. Change owner of a directory and its contents recursively: chown -R new_owner /path/to/directory

4. Change group of a file without modifying the owner: chown :new_group file.txt

5. Verbose output to show changes: chown -v new_owner:new_group file.txt

Google Search Queries:

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