Chaos Engineering Book with Mikolaj Pawlikowski – Part Two

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Any idea what Chaos Engineering is?!

Well, if you don’t then you’re in the right place because my guest on this talk, Miko, will be explaining everything that you need to know about how to build failure testing into your systems and application code!

Miko is a respected engineer and team leader, as well as author of the book:

Chaos Engineering: Site Reliability Through Controlled Disruption

In this talk, we set out a number of preambles that go through the definition of Chaos Engineering all the way to discussing the sections in Miko’s book and why should anyone bother with implementing Chaos Engineering in their data centre, cloud platform, applications, whatever!

Miko’s book is available from Amazon (UK) and (the publisher) Manning:


If you’d like the chance to win a digital copy of Miko’s book, watch both parts of the talk to learn the question and send your answer (clue: we mention the answer during the talk!) to:


Competition closes 31st August 2021 – if you are reading this after that date, please stop bombarding our inbox! LOL

Please indicate in your response answer whether The Cloud Therapists can announce your name (for transparency and accountability reasons) in the Comments section of the video.

The decision of The Cloud Therapists for the selection of the random winner, after the closing date of the competition, is final. The announcement will be made – if permitted – publicly within 1 week of the deadline date of the competition.

No associates, partners, mentors other other connected individuals/entities/parties of The Cloud Therapists can enter this competition. The competition is open internationally. There are no rules on how to obtain the answer to the competition question. Good luck!


Get a 35% reduction on all Manning Publications books by using the code: podclther21
at http://mng.bz/N8v7

Intro + Outro Music:
“Higher” – Soundroll
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: 9CV2JROEFWXFZI8H

All copyrights, trademarks and logos acknowledged and their use in this post are purely a reflection of their original intent, under fair use policy.

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by Cloud Therapists

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