CISCO Caste Case: Unveiling Discrimination | Sunder Iyer | Dr. Rinkoo Wadhera | #SangamTalks
The CISCO Case, widely discussed in media, had also become a rallying point for Hindus in America against Caste discrimination.
CRD, the California Rights Department, had filed a lawsuit against Cisco and its two engineers — Sunder Iyer and Ramana Kompella — alleging caste-based discrimination and harassment of John Doe (anonymous plaintiff) based on his Dalit identity. Three years after the case, CRD dropped the lawsuit against the engineers. However, the case against Silicon Valley tech giant Cisco continues at Santa Clara Superior County Court in the US.
Sunder Iyer in conversation with Rinkoo Wadhera unveils the discrimination and accuses CRD of lying and hiding evidence from the court, media, and activists.
Hindus have been favourite whipping boys of the Western World says Dr Rinkoo Wadhera delving into the details of the strage Caste based case that worked as a wakeup call for Hindus in America.
About the Speakers:
Sundar Iyer (PhD/MS Stanford Univ. ’08/’00, B. Tech IIT Bombay ’98) is currently co-founder and head of Candid Systems (a Cisco Alpha Company) and is a Distinguished Engineer in the CTO group in the Insieme Business Unit at Cisco Systems. Candid (integrated into Cisco in ’18) pioneered the Cisco Network AssuranceEngine, a closed-loop SDN-based software solution built with formal mathematical models of Data Center networks. Previously, he was co-founder and CEO of Memoir Systems. Now works as an angel investor and advisor after leaving Cisco in 2018.
Dr Rinkoo Wadhera is a researcher with a Post Doctorate in Gender Studies & Folkloristics. She is also an educational consultant & teacher-trainer with schools. She is the author of—Existentialism and Upanishadic Resolution in Indian English Poetry.
Topics Covered:
0:00 Introduction – discrimination against Hindus
1:23 The Cisco Caste Case
3:30 The malicious agenda behind the case
5:10 A wake-up call for Hindu Americans
8:30 The government agency hiding information to create a Caste narrative
12:07 CRD tried to implement a law SB403 to add caste as a separate protected category
15:26 The ethics of the process are under question
18:46 Racial targeting for Indians and other ethnicities
21:45 False narrative against the Indian Varna system
24:20 Every society has groups and prejudices
28:00 The refusal to share Data -questionable
32:00 Unconstitutional Actions
35:09 Caste-based harassment
38:20 Government Agency must speak the Truth
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They may try to hide this cr@p but the stench of dishonesty is difficult to hide. I applaud the good fight you've put on. Many thanks for bringing this out to the public.
Very strange things happening in the US.
India is supersaturated with these already.
Our children are learning, fake history in schools, which is gift of Islamic and Leftist Education Ministers, and Bench of people, whose dream is to break Bharath. Ideology of missionary also plays a role. Our Prime Minister said- Our Country is BHARATH. But even after 75 yrs of Independence, our children appear to be slaves of Islamic and Christian (British) colonial Influence has not gone out.
Our children need to know about 1 Rani avanti Bai, 2 Naiki Devi who kept away Islamic invaders 3. Rani Durgavathi ,4. Kitoor Channamma, 5. Keladi Channnamma, 6. Jhansi Lakshmi Bai
7. Tara Devi Bhonsle, how she was the reason for Auranzeb’s defeat. 8. Ahalya Bai Holkar, who helped in renaissance of Civilization of Bharath 9. Abakka Chowta of Ullal, Karnataka, who fought against Portuguese, who gave shelters to People who were victims of Goa inquisition. 10. Onake Obavva, of chitradurga Karanataka, who helped in defeating Hyderali. 11. Setu Lakshmi Bai 12. Jija Bai, Mother of Shivaji 13 Mata Bhag Kaur 14 Rani Velu Nachiyar 15 Rani Padmini, 16 uda devi, 17 Bibi Dalair Kaur 18 Akka devi, 19 Nayakuralu Nagamma, 20 Belavadi Mallamma, 21 Rani Durgamadevi, 21 Rani Karnavathi, 22 Rani Kurma devi, 23 Sati Sadhani etc and common women who fought against Razakars. To know about these women warriors, Can Refer to Book- SAFFRON SWORD by Manshi Sinha Rawal
Our land was full of these types of brave women warriors.
But our children are learning that women were oppressed. No education, no freedom. Propaganda about “Sati pratha’.
Remember –None of the widow queens did Sati.
Our Children need to know About—CHOLA DYNASTY and The Glory and Advanced Life style.
Our Children need to Know about -Goa Inquisition and Instruments used to torture with pictures, should know about burning ancient literatures. Destroying temples, Forceful conversion.
Our children Need to Know- TRIBAL MEN AND WOMEN contribution against Islamic and Christian Invasion.
Our Children need to Know about- Northeast Men and Women Contribution against Islamic invasion, Example – Ahom Dynasty.
Our children need to know about— Bhagath Singh with Picture of him getting beaten by British.
Our Children need to know about- Ramprasad Bismil, Thakur Roshan Sinha, Afhakulla Khan.
Our Children need to know about -Atrocities of Islamic invasion—Sex slavery, destroying temples, destroying universities, burning books and Jeziya. Can refer to books, like Babar Nama, our historians of that era, Or work of Seeta ram Goyal and Raam Swaroop.
Our Children Should Know About Atrocities of British- Including, destroying our Textile industries, Creating Artificial Famine, banning dances and other art forms, ban on martial arts, ban on owning weapons, Slavery, Closing the native education system, Gurukuls.and looting our resources and ancient artifacts also.
Our children need to Know that ,the Our Gurukul were teaching, all things necessary for a society to advance, without any discrimination, which had more than 60 percent of so called oppressed caste. (Reference- Beautiful tree by Dharmaphal)
Our children should know about, Raja Dhahir/Thahir, Bappa Rawal, Rana Pratap Singh, Shivaji Maharaj Sambhaji Maharaj, Prithvi Raj Chauhan, Sujaan Singh Shekhawat, Babu Kunwar Singh, Maharaja Jai Singh.
Our Children need to Know About Hakka- Bukka, Or Harihara Bukka, Their History and About Vijayanagar Dynasty.
Our Children need to know about, Sikh Gurus- Guru Gobind Singh, Guru Arjan Singh Our children should Know, Sikhism is nothing but Hinduism.
Our Children should know about Pragh Das, Mohan Das, Mati Das, Sati Das and Dayal Das. Banda Bairagi. How Khalsa Panth was formed etc.
Our Children should know about Jallianwala Bhag Massacre in details.
Our children Should know about Terrorism world wide- Example destruction of Bamiyan Buddhas By Taliban, Sri Lanka Bomb Blast, BoKo Haram, Mumbai Bomb Blasts, attack on Parliament, 26/11, Twin tower Incidences, Every day Bombing in Afghan and Pakistan. History of Kashmir.
Our Children should know about Kargil war.
Our Children should know about Partition, Pakistan, and Bengal. Should know about atrocities narrated.. from the Person or family which suffered during Partition.
Our Children should know Atrocities during “Direct Action Day.”
Our Children Should know about Marichjhapi Massaacre.
Our children should know about different ancient Languages and scripts (lipi) of Bharath. And about scriptures, including, scriptures on Mathematics, agriculture, medicines, astronomy, Geography, chemistry.
Our children should know that, Sati was not Pratha and Rajaram Mohan Roy and Britisher”s exaggerated, which would help in, converting people to foreign religion. May be the incidences were more in Bengal, where women Suffered under Siraj -u -Daula’s reign.
Our children need to know about the difference Between Sati and Salem Witch hunting, which was rampant in Europe and America. Also, should know about Mahasati Stones and Maha-warrior stones, Mahasatikallu and Veerakallu in southern Bharath, also should know the Inscriptions written on them.
Our Children need to know about Ellora Hindu temple, Buddhist Caves and Jainism caves, which are still existing together, debunking that,. our kings destroyed other's worship places.
Our children need to know about the Magnificent Kailash temple also.
Our Children should know about architectural wonders like, Rani ki vaav, Ellora Kailash Temple, Brihadeshwara Temple, Belur, Halebidu, Shravana Belagola also.
Our Children Should Know about Social Reformers. (Definitely not the Pseudo reformers, who had intension of either converting or destroying us).
Our Children need to know about Bhakthi Moment and Social reformation brought along.
Our Children need to know about 4 Vedas, Ashtanga Yoga, Shad- Darshanas, our philosophers, Scientists, Mathematician, including Women Scholar of ancient Times.
Our Children need to know about Yoga-Vashista also.
Our Children need to know about Brahmacharya.
Our children need to know, about Kautilya’s Arthashastra, Sri Rama’s Raja Dharma also.
Our Children need to know the glorifying things, written by Xuanzang , Faxiyan, Hy Cho about Bharath, and their work in Sanskrit and Paali Language.
Our Children should know about Destroyed temples by Invaders (Reference- Sita Ram Goyal’s literature work).
Our children should know about ancient Hindu temples, outside Bharath.
Our Children need to know about CAA and NRC, Population control, UCC also.
Then only we can become Vishwa Guru.
*Otherwise, our Country will be full of Woke, Converted, Anti national citizens.*.
thank you for sharing the information. mam you look exactly like my school teacher brings me old memories 🙏
Kya tu tere manu ko nahi padha hai?
Arre O tujhe bhi sudra bolaraha hai ge laddu ki amma
What is the site that the anchor is referring to ? Not available in the description
Aisha Wahab's partner is Rokhanna?
Moral of the story – Running away from problems in India is NOT the solution. Facing and correcting them at home is the only solution.
Look like a stupid discussion about CRD. They are there to get him and Indians in the name of caste discrimination. It is clear. So my friend, apart from the case what is done on the ground apart from silly compliant.
Aren't these the same Westerners who preach & propagate to public abt the so called 'Individuality' also Individual preferences & Individual Identities then how come the same Westerners now trying to demonize that very Varna system with actly respects, accepts & even honors Individual choices & differences in life……
Excellent interview
I was shocked to hear that there was an afghani women backed by isi propaganda with support from usa republics and stupid leftists indian behind all this conspiracy dangerous cocktail of venom😮😮😮
ऊँ हरि गुरु तत्सत् जात पात पूछे नही हरि भजे सो हरि को होय !
Jay Shree Ram 181
All this should wake Hindus up to the reality of the white man. He is not your "ally" against Islam, he is himself an adverserial party interested in his own benefits.
Read Huntington's "Clash of civilizations" – they've set the narrative in sociological terms, whereas our techies are simply obsessed with technology, sometimes to the point of obsession.
John Doe needs to be exposed!!!!!! A lier who does this much damage does not deserve protection from anonymity! Someone expose him please and let's find out who is behind him. 🙏
To the candāla from Sangam Talks who blocked my other YouTube account:
If it is true that there are none so blind as those who don’t WANT to see, and none so deaf as those who don’t WANT to hear, then surely, there are none so ignorant as those who don’t WANT to learn the truth.🤫
Quoting JSD:
You can choose to ignore or run from your identity but it will catch up with you. Even if you don't want it, one will be assigned to you.
Casteism has traveled across the seven seas to reach into California to destroy Hindus. Sorry state of affairs!