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Cisco ideathon exam preparation Q&A | CCNA cisco ideathon old Q&A| no subnet calculator

This video explained what are the question pattern that are asking in cisco ideathon is explained on CCNA . The Subnetting problem solving explained using subnet calculator is only for information purpose not to use in exam.
no subnet calculator is allowed in exam please make a note of it.



4 thoughts on “Cisco ideathon exam preparation Q&A | CCNA cisco ideathon old Q&A| no subnet calculator

  • Many children have given Cissco exam using Gamini AI. The entire Cissco exam is fake. Cissco should take immediate action. Or a petition should be filed against this exam in court. Many children gave all the answers using Google Gemini AI. Overall, this was like NEET.😂😂😂😂🎉

  • Sir, I didn't get email for Cisco online assessment even though I successfully registered for it.

    Please help me with this issue. What should I do now?

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