Cisco meets his Doppelganger🥶#shorts
Cisco meets his Doppelganger🥶#shorts #theflash #dccomics #cw #flash #zoom #ciscoramon #ciscoramon #killerfrost #iriswest
cisco academie
Cisco meets his Doppelganger🥶#shorts #theflash #dccomics #cw #flash #zoom #ciscoramon #ciscoramon #killerfrost #iriswest
cisco academie
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Watched 2 eps of 'Upload' an gr ago 😂 feels like nostalgia to see Robbie Amell here now
Man this show is terrible
“Are you seriously cloud city vadering me right now”
I would of loved to see savitar frost and reverb team up it would be like the OG gang but evil
The first seasons were truly fire 🔥🔥
Bad ass cisco
This killer frost is more good than killer frost in earth one
Witch ep
Ok, but our Cisco had the better hair that day.
Which song is this
What season episode is this pls?
Song name?
Can we all agree Ronnie(Firestorm) is Arsenal coach's –( Mikel Arteta) doppelganger?😂😂😂
Remind me if I'm wrong zoom is from earth 2 and earth 2 cisco was the scientist shown after these episodes
That is some aggressively, disgustingly bad writing lol
Reverb 🕶
Not really a doppleganger, just different multiversal versions of esch other, dopplegangers are a different thing, like Elena and Katherine or Stephan and Silas from the Vampire Diaries
I wish reverb didn’t got kill
This series is so dumb