Cisco Switch – Password Recovery
Zero To Engineer Program:
cisco academie
I cant even get a console open on mine, do I need to specify an IP address or Mac address? I noticed even in cisco's documentation they dont specify how to get the console connection. I doubt it just opens up a session on the computer youre trying to manage it on. Any know where to find good documentation on this?
Great Video, very helpful!!
Great info but that music needs to die. Not needed and irritating.
When I do dir flash: it doesn't show me the config.text?
It only shows the multiple-fs and the .bin file
what does it mean when it doesn't show the config.text file?
All thanks to *rubbtech*on Instagram helped me recover mine,,,
All thanks to *rubbtech*on Instagram helped me recover mine,,,
All thanks to *rubbtech*on Instagram helped me recover mine,,,
Excellent video, thank you.
All ebay switch buyers rejoice
Would be better if you hadn't put the music this nice lesson, please keep the education separate from music. It's looks like watching suspense movie instead of learning, believe me still people will see the video but more in paying attention towards the lesson/ topic without losing concentration from music.
i'm a little confused why you use you config file again whether you did not the password
Thank you for the video big brother
lose the background noise, it's distracting and unnecessary
good video, thx & go on
Great video! but please! turn down the volume on the music or make it something ambient.
Hi from Brazil!
Congratulations for this channel, I've been studying to improve my skills in networking, and has been very useful!
Informative Cisco Switch Password Recovery video. Thanks.
Great video! I love utilizing older cisco gear. It’s dirt cheap on ebay and works great! I know companies that are still using 6509s!
Hey,pls provide more vedio on real time.super cool stuff to prepare exam too,Thank you for this vedio too
Nice video, thank you for sharing it.
Need more videos like this pls