CKS – Killer shell – Question 3

This video shows how to approach and solve the Question 3 in the Killer Shell CKS (Certified Kubernetes Security) exam simulation.

You received a list from the DevSecOps team which performed a security investigation of the k8s cluster1 (workload-prod). The list states the following about the apiserver setup:

* Accessible through a NodePort Service
* Change the apiserver setup so that:

Only accessible through a ClusterIP Service


CKS Exam | Killer.sh | Killer Shell | Kubernetes Security | Container Security | CKS Certification | Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist | CKS | Linux Foundation | CKS Mock exam | CKS Lab | K8S | K8S Security | Kubernetes Context | Kubernetes Cluster | Kubectl | Kubeconfig | DevSecOps | NodePort | KubeAPI Server | KubeAPI | Kubernetes Service | API Server


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