Cloud State Of Play – April 2024


It is my absolute pleasure to welcome Saim Safdar as my special guest for the April 2024 episode of Cloud State Of Play.

While Paul Bevan is somewhere in Europe tanning himself and enjoying a well-earned holiday, I invited my dear friend, Saim, to join me for this month to provide another regular commentary on three IT/Cloud/Open Source topics, which are:

1 – The Growing trend of Open Source vendors changing their licensing schemes
2 – Do we really need Kubernetes?
3 – KubeCon Europe (not EU) 2024 Recap


1 – The Growing trend of Open Source vendors changing their licensing schemes

* There’s been a movement recently whereby open source vendors are changing their licensing schemes from the more traditional Open Source Software (OSS) licenses to more ‘business-like’ ones.

* Red Hat started this trend, I suppose, a few years ago when they effectively killed support for CentOS by discontinuing it (as a downstream, recompilation of RHEL), in favour of CentOS Stream (an upstream distro which previewed what’s to come in RHEL, later). This caused a host of forks from those who still had legitimate access to the RHEL source code. Notable distros include Rocky Linux (by the author of CentOS), Alma Linux (CloudLinux Inc) and OpenELA (Enterprise Linux Association – Oracle, SUSE and CIQ – CIQ or CtrlIQ, being the sponsors of Rocky Linux).

@JeffGeerling reflects the same concerns and calls it a “betrayal”:


* HashiCorp Terraform got the same treatment recently:
– Changed from Mozilla Public License (MPL) to Business Source License (BSL)
– Caused a fork with OpenTofu – September 2023 – now officially adopted by The Linux Foundation

* Others include Redis, MongoDB, Elastic and Sentry.

* Saim @cloudnativefm mentions LinkerD’s changes – documented here:

No more open source stable releases of Linkerd service mesh
byu/horovits indevops


* New license model = Functional Source License (FSL) = evolution of BSL (BUSL)
– “Deepens the commitment to balancing user freedom and developer sustainability. It’s seen as a compelling option for Open Source-minded SaaS companies who wish to grant freedom without harmful free-riding.”


2 – Do we really need Kubernetes?

* Based on an article by Saiyam Pathak (Field CTO at Civo) – Feb 2024:

* He has seen posts from DHH – David Heinemeier Hansson – HEY World

* Quotes from the article:
– “Kubernetes is hard”
– “it’s a beast”

* Civo don’t charge for the K8s Control Plane
* Also mentions K3s, Talos and small footprint K8s distros

I will be discussing the subject of K8s being “boring” and mature, to the point where it’s no longer the major driving focus of Cloud Native projects, in an upcoming PANEL discussion, with three fantastic guests, so be on the look out for that!


3 – KubeCon Europe 2024 (Paris) Recap

Saim provided his summary of the major themes from the event:

* Highlights
* Nvidia keynote – interesting they were invited
* SpinKube
* Radius
* Microsoft Retina (eBPF)

I don’t have enough space here to fit here all I want to say and the links – YouTube limit is 5K characters!


Catch Saim at his channels:
youtube.com/ @cloudnativefm
youtube.com/ @CloudNativeIslamabad


Thanks again to my special guest, Saim Safdar, for his insights. All opinions expressed in this video are solely of the person who gave them and do not reflect opinions/stance/policy of any other person(s)/employer(s)/organisations/entities/vendors, etc. All copyrights are of their respective owners and are used here (in various formats) purely for reference purposes and under fair use policy.

Intro + Outro Track: “Know Myself” – Patrick Patrikios (YouTube Music Library).



by Cloud Therapist

linux foundation

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