CNCF Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate Certification Course (KCNA) – Pass the Exam!

Prepare for the Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) exam and pass! This certification demonstrates a user’s foundational knowledge and skills in Kubernetes and the wider cloud native ecosystem.

✏️ Andrew Brown and Marino Wijay created this course.
🐦 Andrew on Twitter: https://twitter.com/andrewbrown
🐦 Marino on Twitter: https://twitter.com/virtualized6ix

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
☁️ (0:00:00) Introduction
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Exam Guide Walkthrough
🎤 Practice Exam Preview

☁️ (0:22:31) Cloud Native Kubernetes Concepts
🎤 What is Cloud Native
🎤 Cloud Native vs Cloud Service Provider
🎤 Cloud Native Shared Responsibility Model
🎤 The Linux Foundation
🎤 Cloud Native Computing Foundation
🎤 Preview LF and CNCF Website Follow Along
🎤 Cloud Native Landscape
🎤 Cloud Native Landscape Follow Along
🎤 Cloud Native Trail Map
🎤 Cloud Native Trail Map Follow Along
🎤 VMs vs Containers
🎤 Micro services
🎤 Kubernetes
🎤 Kubernetes Components EDIT ENDING
🎤 Manifest Files in Kubernetes
🎤 Control Plane and Worker Nodes
🎤 Pods
🎤 API Server
🎤 Deployment
🎤 Replica Sets
🎤 Stateless vs Stateful
🎤 Stateful Sets
🎤 Namespaces
🎤 In Tree vs Out Tree
🎤 In Tree vs Out Free Follow Along
🎤 Endpoints and Endpoint Slices
🎤 Jobs and Cron Jobs
🎤 Kubernetes Dashboard

☁️ (1:36:41) Selectors
🎤 Selectors
🎤 Recommend Labels
🎤 Selecting Labels
🎤 Annotations

☁️ (1:42:33) Kubelet
🎤 PodSpecFile
🎤 gRPC
🎤 Kubelet

☁️ (1:50:15) KubeCTL
🎤 KubeCTL
🎤 KubeCTL Commands Ref Follow Along

☁️ (1:59:20) Distrubutions
🎤 MiniKube
🎤 K3s
🎤 Kind
🎤 MicroK8s
🎤 Lightweight K8s Distribution Comparison
🎤 Managed Kubernetes Providers
🎤 Management Layers
🎤 CNCF Certified Distribution Follow Along

☁️ (2:26:25) Runtimes
🎤 Container Runtime Interfaces
🎤 ContainerD
🎤 Container Runtimes
🎤 CGroups
🎤 Linux Containers

☁️ (2:37:04) Storage
🎤 Container Storage Interface
🎤 Kubernetes Backing Store and etcd
🎤 Rook and MinIO
🎤 Volumes
🎤 Persistent Volume
🎤 Storage Classes
🎤 Persistent Volume Claim
🎤 ConfigMaps

☁️ (2:51:34) Service
🎤 Services
🎤 Traffic Policies
🎤 ClusterIP
🎤 NodePort
🎤 Load Balancer
🎤 Headless
🎤 ExternalName
🎤 KubeCTL Expose Command
🎤 BusyBox

☁️ (3:06:52) Networking
🎤 Ingress
🎤 Load Balancing
🎤 Probes
🎤 Netfilter
🎤 IPTables
🎤 Various Proxies
🎤 kube proxy
🎤 Container Networking Interface
🎤 Service Mesh
🎤 Enovy

☁️ (3:33:05) Cluster Networking
🎤 Eth0 and Netwrok Namespace
🎤 Eth0 Network Namepsace P2
🎤 Cluster Networking
🎤 Container to Container Networking
🎤 Virtual Ethernet Devices
🎤 Pod to Pod Networking
🎤 Pod to Service Networking
🎤 Ingress Egress Internet to Cluster

☁️ (3:50:50) Security
🎤 4Cs
🎤 Infrastructure Security
🎤 Role based Access Controls
🎤 Role Configuration Example
🎤 Secrets Management
🎤 Network Policy
🎤 Calico
🎤 Anatomy of a Network Policy File
🎤 In Transit vs At Rest
🎤 Certificates and TLS
🎤 K8s Security Best Practices

☁️ (4:23:51) Autoscaling
🎤 Autoscaling
🎤 Scale vs Autoscale

☁️ (4:28:23) Open Standards
🎤 Open Standards

☁️ (4:31:17) Goverance
🎤 Governance Structure
🎤 Memberships
🎤 Governing Board
🎤 Technical Oversight Committee
🎤 Special Interest Groups
🎤 End User Community
🎤 End User Technology Radar
🎤 CNCF Charter
🎤 CNCF Values
🎤 Goverance Follow Along
🎤 Kube Con
🎤 Kubecon CloudNativeCon Follow Along
🎤 CNCF Projects

☁️ (5:01:37) Serverless
🎤 Serverless
🎤 Cloud Native K8s Serverless
🎤 Function as a Service
🎤 Knative
🎤 Knative vs OpenFaaS

☁️ (5:10:29) Observability
🎤 The Pillars of Observability
🎤 Open Telemetry
🎤 Prometheus
🎤 Grafana
🎤 Traces and Spans
🎤 Cost Management
🎤 Kubernetes System Logs and Klogs

☁️ (5:24:45) Cloud Native Application Delivery
🎤 Testing and Chaos Testing
🎤 Helm
🎤 Kustomize
🎤 What is Infrastructure as Code
🎤 Popular IaC
🎤 IaC for Kubernetes
🎤 GitOps
🎤 Argo vs Flux
🎤 Jenkins and JenkinsX
🎤 Circle CI

☁️ (5:44:03) Deployment Strategies
🎤 Deployment Strategies
🎤 Recreate
🎤 Rolling Update
🎤 Canary
🎤 Blue Green
🎤 A to B Testing
🎤 Dark Launches
🎤 Deployment History, Rollout, and Rollback

☁️ (5:58:59) Follow Along
5:58:59 🎤 Review of Light Weight Containers
6:05:14 🎤 Building an App Using Docker
6:29:29 🎤 Minkube
6:55:36 🎤 Kind
7:03:41 🎤 Microk8s
7:27:10 🎤 Kubectl Fix
7:28:38 🎤 Pod Communication via IP
7:36:44 🎤 Service ClusterIP
7:51:20 🎤 Service NodePort
7:59:14 🎤 Service LoadBalancer
8:09:19 🎤 Service Externalname
8:24:53 🎤 Ingress
8:38:51 🎤 Jobs
8:46:35 🎤 ReplicaSets
8:50:56 🎤 Scale and Autoscale
9:00:39 🎤 Configmap
9:23:29 🎤 Secrets
9:34:08 🎤 PV and PVC
9:56:30 🎤 NetPolicy
10:20:29 🎤 Knative
10:34:30 🎤 OpenFaaS
10:46:11 🎤 Helm
10:55:19 🎤 LinkerD
11:32:49 🎤 Google Kubernetes Engine
11:47:25 🎤 Azure Kubernetes Service
12:03:09 🎤 AWS Elastic Kuberenetes Service
12:35:47 🎤 IBM Cloud
12:48:18 🎤 Digital Ocean
13:10:22 🎤 CIVO
13:26:14 🎤 Namespaces
13:30:59 🎤 RBAC
13:58:00 🎤 KubeCTL Extra Commands


by freeCodeCamp.org

linux foundation

20 thoughts on “CNCF Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate Certification Course (KCNA) – Pass the Exam!

  • anyone else get a lil jump scare with the transition music

  • Hello Andrew, could you please place the option in your video of automatic subtitles also in Spanish?

    Thanks in advance.

  • thanks for it Andrew, is this same as CKA , could you please clarify

  • The guy clearly knows very little about kube, which shows big time in the follow along section. He just copy-pastes from the docs and tries to guess stuff when things don't work. As for the presentation part, he again clearly just copy-pasted things without any understanding, which shows when later he, for example, can't recall what Calico is, even though he talked about it before. And there are many examples of this "I don't remember what it is, it's somewhere in the course". Fucking bullshit. I mean, I understand that it's free content, but maybe you shouldn't teach about things you know nothing about.

  • For some reason, the Function as a Service topic was skipped without any slides and went to directly on to Knative.

  • Thanks so much for the material, I am a cloud expert and just got Prometheus certified and now going for KCNA, bought the course cause it really covers what I need. Thanks again 🙂

  • hi are the slides shared in this video available somewhere? thanks 🙂

  • 8:36:42 the 'apply' command failed because the minimal-ingress object does not have its definition file stored as annotation. In order to have annotation stored you should have used the –save-config flag in the 'create ingress' command earlier

  • 8:17:49 about the 403 http status code trying to reach EC2 using wget and ExternalName is returned by AWS EC2 because the "Host" header in wget request does not match the ec2 instance public dns name. Instead this is set to the same name of the ExternalName service which does not do any rewrite of the Header. Does anybody know how to make ExternalName still effective in such cases?

  • 8:21:13 jessie is the codename of a Debian Linux release, presumably the one used to build the base image. I know this because I run this on my Raspberry Pi 🙂

  • Love seeing the Cloud Native Shared Responsibility Model still going strong! Thanks for including Andrew!

  • I love how he progressively gets more exasperated with k8s in the follow along. Using k8s is such a complicated pain in the ass and this is so relatable!

  • Hey Andrew. This free session (and the paid course mock exams) have been really helpful. Thanks to you and your support team for the timely support and for this beneficial course ✌️😃
    I've cleared my KCNA exam Alhamdulillah

  • Do you have a suggestion/video for the CKA exam?

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