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Coding a Web Server in 25 Lines – Computerphile

Just how simple can a web server be? Laurence Tratt, Shopify / Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Language Engineering at Kings College London builds it up.

More about Laurie:

This video was filmed and edited by Sean Riley.

Computer Science at the University of Nottingham:

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by Computerphile

linux web server

38 thoughts on “Coding a Web Server in 25 Lines – Computerphile

  • Did he just say your mother would love my face? LOL

  • More robust and secure than some systems that I've worked with.

  • Kudos on using a part oh The VIM family! I also really need to look more at rust 🤣👍

  • It's 2024, current internet standard is IPv6, not legacy IPv4, please use [::1] !

  • 15 minut pierdololo aby pokazać 25 linii kodu. Nigdy nie zostaniesz dobrym devem jak tak będziesz marnować czas😂

  • I did the same for my website using python and flask. It's surprisingly easy (at the start)

  • – How many holes and edge cases do you want?
    – YES

  • Oauth clients are an incredibly useful implementation of these

  • Love seeing Rust on the channel! Not a big fan of his variable names though.

  • ok I thought it was impossible to do this with such a simple view. I going to try and create this in c++ using websockets which I have used before but have failed.

  • Every time you say gobblygook it reminds me of norm Macdonald


  • What I want to know it, how to connect a TCP socket to a serial COM port and then write a crude web server on an Arduino to simplify remote connections to embedded projects.

  • I have seen many 'a' production websites that will happyly give you index if the url ends with a / so Laurence is onto something here lol

  • I’d like to see this approach in Erlang or Elixir. On the other hand, OTP already has a HTTP/1.1 server included.

  • "you could call it a good listener," you startled a laugh out loud out of me:) Thanks.

  • my boi can code a webserver in 15mins but cant iron a shirt

  • I love listening to these smart people it's so motivation and takes you into the presence, sharpening your mind..

  • How can the client access the files ? Its possible ! 🤔

  • Wicked. Now could someone take these 25 lines and explain all the Rust in it? Like what is unwrap() really, what’s ! vs ., why "{l}" etc.?

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