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Colorado AFA CyberPatriot 2024 Summer Camp – Colorado Springs


As a Cyber Patriot Center of Excellence, National Cybersecurity Center (NCC) hosts both standard and advanced level camps each summer. Cyber Patriot is a program by the Air & Space Forces Association to inspire K-12 students toward careers in cybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines critical to our nation’s future. At the core of the program is the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition, the nation’s largest cyber defense competition that puts high school and middle school students in charge of securing virtual networks.

Colorado Wide Summer AFA CyberCamp

Attending an AFA CyberCamp is the perfect way to get introduced to the world of cybersecurity. Many students who attend a standard AFA CyberCamp go on to participate in CyberPatriot’s National Youth Cyber Defense Competition during the school year. Get a head start on your STEM career and experience what makes CyberPatriot the best National Youth Cyber Education Program!

These camps are designed to cater to students in junior high and high school.

Standard CyberCamp attendees do not need to have any prior knowledge of cybersecurity to participate. Some very basic knowledge of computer hardware (knowing how to use a mouse, browse the internet, identify common computer icons, etc.) is helpful but not necessary.

Outline of the curriculum for the Standard CyberCamp.

Monday: Introduction to the CyberPatriot National Youth Cyber Defense Competition, introduction to cybersecurity & careers, cyber ethics, online safety, how computers work, virtual machines, and cyber threats.

Tuesday: Cybersecurity principles, basic Windows security policies and tools, account management, windows file protections, and auditing and monitoring. Students will follow along and work with the Windows 10 demonstration image.

Wednesday: Introduction to Linux, Ubuntu 18 terminology and concepts, basic GUI security, and intro to CLI. Students will follow along and work with the Ubuntu 18 demonstration image. 

Thursday: Basic command line security and intermediate Ubuntu security. Students will follow along and work with the Ubuntu 18 demonstration image. 

Friday: CyberPatriot competition day. Students will compete against their fellow campers on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18 competition images.

Advanced CyberCamp attendees must possess some prior knowledge. Most of the Advanced curriculum builds on material covered by our Standard camp and draws from the activities/tasks in the CyberPatriot competition. Prior exposure to CyberPatriot or similar skill levels are recommended.

A basic English reading level is essential for both as many individual and group activities are written directives and students must work alone or within small groups to accomplish tasks.

The Advanced Camp curriculum is designed to allow instructors to pick and choose which areas of interests their students might best learn from. There is more information made available than will fit in a four-hour camp day — instructors have the option to pick the topics which are best suited for their session. Friday must be reserved for the CyberPatriot competition.

Windows 10 Module – Windows Graphical Utilities, Windows Command Line, optional Sysinternals Suite.

Ubuntu 18 Module – Init Systems, Advanced Command Line, Processes and Scheduled Tasks, optional Security Policies and PAM, optional Networking.

Cisco NetAcad – Networking Modules 1-3.

Advanced Camp curriculum:
Monday - Cyber Ethics Module, Windows 10 Module
Tuesday - Windows 10 Module, Ubuntu 18
Wednesday - Ubuntu 18 Module 
Thursday - Cisco Networking Modules 1-3 
Friday - CyberPatriot competition day. Teams of students compete against each other on advanced Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18 images.

COST TO ATTEND (Applies to both Standard and Advanced)
$25 per student

Standard CyberCamp, July 8-12th, 9:00AM – 1:00PM
Advanced CyberCamp, July 15- 19th, 9:00AM – 1:00PM

LOCATION: Family Success Center, 1520 Verde Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80910


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