Computer Networking Explained | Cisco CCNA 200-301
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So what is a computer network? Well, first, what is a network? The definition of a network is “A group or system of interconnected people or things”
So, it would be fair to say, a computer network would be “A group or system of interconnected computers” right?
And that’s exactly what it is. A computer network is anything where more than one computer is connected.
Traditionally, a computer network would consist of desktop computers, servers, printers, etc.
These days, we live in a connected world. We still have desktops, servers, and printers, but now we have a vast number of smart devices connected to our networks as well.
Most of you will have a mobile phone, maybe a tablet. Security cameras and even smart lighting systems can be found on networks! And the list goes on and on!
Networking has changed the world and how we live in it.
It’s a topic I still get excited about and there is no shortage of new things to learn.
We will go over a lot of this in more details as we go but that enough for now
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