Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Computer Programming for Beginners | MAC Addresses | Ep13

MAC stands for Media Access Control. This again is an addressing system and whenever we have an addressing system we are targeting something; in this case we’re targeting network devices. These devices can either be an ethernet or wireless device and each one has a unique device address.

MAC is different to IP addresses; MAC addresses are here so that a network admin can monitor which devices are on the network. IP addresses can vary and change when you disconnect and reconnect with a different IP address. But this is only unique for a time until that IP address is unallocated. A MAC address is base two binary number hard coded into the the device itself, or positive and negative charges that making a number that is unique to that device.

So now when the device has a hard coded number I can keep track of that device and what it’s downloading on my network. This allows me to monitor the local network and note, private IP and Mac addresses are for the local network only. It’s only the public IP address that is broadcasted over the global internet.

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mac address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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