Confidential Computing: The Best Kept Secret in IT
Unveiling the hidden power of confidential computing with insights from industry leaders. Join Mike Vassell, Executive Director of the Confidential Computing Consortium, and Marie Fontaine, CEO of HushMesh, as they discuss the revolutionary potential of confidential computing in cybersecurity and web innovation. #ConfidentialComputing #Cybersecurity #WebInnovation #TechRevolution #ConfidentialityMatters #DataProtection #ITSecurity #DigitalPrivacy #EmergingTechnology #linuxfoundation
Identity and confidential computing
Confidential Computing: The Internet’s missing cryptography engine
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Conference Whispers: Identiverse 2024
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Cryptography is at the heart of digital identity and cybersecurity. Indeed, so much “digital identity management” boils down to key management. In almost every modern application we need to bind public keys to humans and non-human entities, and we need assurance that private keys and secret symmetric keys are under the proper control of those entities. We also need evidence of the quality of all those keys and the cryptographic software that uses them. The emerging field of Confidential Computing (CC) helps address these critical issues at the infrastructure layer. CC makes hardware-backed cryptographic security available to all applications and workloads, thanks to “Trusted Execution Environments”, or TEEs – literally, digital identity engines. Remote attestation services provide assurance of hardware and software integrity in every TEE. This panel of CC leaders will traverse the practical issues of CC and digital identity management, and show how CC is going to become essential for authentication and data protection for all digital entities, applications, and workloads. Topics covered include: • What is Confidential Computing? • Where are Trusted Execution Environments used today? • How are access privileges separated out in Confidential Computing? • How can Confidential Computing help with digital wallets and verifiable credentials?
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Conference Whispers, TBW Advisors LLC, Doreen Galli, Dr Doreen Galli, Identiverse, IAM, identity and access management, Identiverse 2024, Identiverse 24, Conference Whispers,TBW Advisors LLC,Doreen Galli,Dr Doreen Galli,Identiverse,IAM,identity and access management,Identiverse 2024,Identiverse 24,confidential computing,confidential computing consortium,data security,trusted execution environment,data at use,secure vms,confidential computing explained,data security in cloud computing,arm trusted execution environment,trusted execution environment explained,identity and access management in cloud computing
by TBW Advisors LLC
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