Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Connecting to the IPv6 Internet (BGP, Native, Tunneled, …)

Now that you know all about IPv6, you probably want to connect your network to the public IPv6 Internet.
Understand the different connection types for your enterprise network, using BGP or static routing in multiple different ways, depending on your needs.

If you do not have a whole network to connect, but only your PC, there is also a solution to test-drive IPv6 from home before deploying it in your network! We will discuss the different types of IPv6 Internet connectivity:


-IPv6 Addresses out of PA Space of the upstream ISP, single-homed
-IPv6 Addresses out of PA Space of the upstream ISP, dual homes
-Customer’s own PI Space, Provider announced
-Customer’s own PI Space, speaking BGP with the Provider


-IPv6 Tunnel using tunnel broker SixXS (no native connection)

This is module 8.2 from my IPv6 Essentials Course.

Read the written version of this video and more on my original blog post




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.