Consumer Cellular APN Settings for Android 4G LTE
Quick guide on how to add Consumer Cellular APN & MMS Settings on your android phone
If you are having mobile data, internet problems or you cannot send and receive MMS (picture messages) on Concumer Cellular then please review and update your apn settings.
to do that, on your andorid phone, go to settings, connections, mobile network, apn settings. Add a new apn and enter the following info:
Name: ConsumerCellular
APN: ccdata
Proxy: Leave Blank
Port: Leave Blank
Username: Leave Blank
Password: Leave Blank
Server: Leave Blank
MMS proxy:
MMS port: 80
MCC: Use Default, Do not change
MNC: Use Default, Do not change
APN Type: default,supl,mms
APN Protocol: IPv4/IPv6
APN roaming Protocol: IPv4
Bearer: Unspecified
once you finish, save the settings, and try loading any website, now you should be able to browse the internet on the phone. Also try sending and recieving mms
for more details check our blog post:
4g lte
omg this fixed my network issue, thankyou so much!
Thanks fixed my phone finally ! lol
i forgot i had to do this b4, i reset my network and was like wth is going on until I saw your vid. thank you for saving my mind from going more crazy
At the 1:08 minute mark, you describe the APN TYPE as having "one comma" after "mms," but the orange chart on the video is showing "TWO commas" after "mms,,". Anyways, I tried it both ways and the correct way is with "one comma" after "mms,". THANK YOU FOR FIXING MY PHONE! I can once again send pictures with texts. 👍
MMS Proxy: (net; not ne)
Thank you so much for this!!! Also for putting the instructions in the description. I was doing this off of my Pixel 4a with very sub par McDonalds WiFi, and having the description worked wonders since the video couldn't load!
Thank you. I was so frustrated and confused, then I did everything you said and it works like a charm. Seriously, thank you so much!
On the name Consumer Cellular it is a space between the two words or not . ConsumerCellular
Says "LTE" but doesn't have the "4G" with it. It's really fast though.
Not working.
Can it want at iPhone?
Work wow
Thank bro
Work is fine