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Convert IP address to ulong in Python

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Certainly! Converting an IP address to an unsigned long integer (ulong) in Python can be useful in various scenarios, such as when working with network-related applications or databases. In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through the process with a code example.
IP addresses consist of four octets separated by dots (e.g., Each octet is an 8-bit number, and an IP address is essentially a 32-bit integer. Converting an IP address to a ulong involves packing these four octets into a single 32-bit unsigned long integer.
The struct module in Python can be used to pack and unpack binary data. We’ll use the struct.pack function to convert the IP address into its ulong representation.
The socket.inet_aton function is used to convert the IP address string to a packed 32-bit binary format.
The struct.unpack(“!L”, packed_ip) is used to unpack the binary data into an unsigned long integer. !L specifies that the data is in network byte order (big-endian) and represents an unsigned long.
The result is the ulong representation of the IP address.
Feel free to customize the code according to your specific requirements. This example should work for IPv4 addresses, and you may need to adapt it for IPv6 if necessary.




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.