Create and Deploy a WordPress Website on AWS EC2 with RDS – FREE! – WordPress on AWS Series(Part-02)

🚀 Dive deeper into the world of WordPress on AWS with our latest video! In this second installment of the series, we’re unveiling the entire architecture, from Route 53 and domain name setup to EC2, ALB, Certificate Manager, RDS, and Security Group configurations. 🌐💻

🛠️ In this step-by-step tutorial, we guide you through the process of creating an EC2 instance, demonstrating how to effortlessly connect to it and install essential packages like Apache, MariaDB, and more. Learn the ins and outs of setting up an RDS instance, establishing a seamless connection between your EC2 and RDS, and finally, installing WordPress for a fully functional website. Best of all, we keep it cost-efficient – the entire architecture is absolutely FREE for the first 12 months, thanks to the AWS Free Tier!

🆓 No hidden costs here! We ensure that running this architecture won’t dent your wallet, making it an ideal solution for those looking to master WordPress on AWS without breaking the bank. 💸

👩‍💻 We, as certified AWS professionals, are passionate about empowering learners worldwide. That’s why we’re creating this content absolutely FREE, ensuring that students and anyone interested can learn AWS without any financial constraints. 💻✨

🎙️ Exciting news! This series is available in both English and Hindi audio. Catch the first part of the series in English here: Part 1 – English and the first part in Hindi here: Part 1 – Hindi.

📚 Explore the official AWS documentation for more in-depth knowledge:
* AWS VPC Official Documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/what-is-amazon-vpc.html
* AWS Subnets Official Documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/configure-subnets.html

📂 To easily copy the commands used in this video, visit our GitHub Gist: https://gist.github.com/AWS-Ninjas/f162f0f2f5f9b0e52c1e91b8f11a1f91

📈 Whether you’re a seasoned AWS user or just getting started, this video provides invaluable insights and practical knowledge. Don’t miss out on transforming your WordPress hosting experience and creating a scalable, secure, and cost-effective setup.

Please subscribe to our channel for more such videos.

Instagram : – https://bit.ly/AWS-Ninjas-Insta

Some of the things that we have covered in this video

How to create a new EC2 Instance ?
What are the important settings you need to do for Apache?
What are the important settings you need to do for WordPress?
How to set up free EC2 and RDS instances?
How to connect RDS and EC2 instances?
How to install WordPress?
How to install Apache, php and MariaDB , Their permissions on Amazon Linux 2?
How to use Vim and Nano editor?
How to build a secure WordPress Architecture on AWS?
How to use SSH and Instance connect for SSH connection?


WordPress on AWS
create and deploy wordpress website on AWS
wordpress on AWS EC2
create a new website on wordpress
host a website on aws
wordpress on aws
AWS tutorial
wordpress on amazon linux
wordpress on AWS
Free wordpress on AWS
Secure wordpress install on AWS
AWS FREE tutorial
AWS web hosting guide
AWS wordpress website deployment
AWS wordpress website hosting tutorial
AWS EC2 website hosting
AWS Route 53 DNS tutorial
AWS CloudFront CDN tutorial
AWS Elastic Beanstalk deployment
AWS Lambda website hosting
AWS RDS database hosting
AWS Auto Scaling tutorial
AWS load balancer tutorial
AWS SSL certificate setup
AWS CloudWatch website monitoring
AWS security groups for hosting
AWS web hosting best practices
AWS cost-effective hosting

0:00 WordPress series information and next parts
00:22 WordPress Architecture on AWS
02:20 Create EC2 for WordPress
06:09 Connect to EC2 instance via Instance connect
06:29 Connect to EC2 instance via SSH client / local Terminal
07:16 Install Apache on Amazon Linux 2
08:25 Install PHP on Amazon Linux 2
08:59 Install MariaDB on Amazon Linux 2
09:30 Download the latest WordPress zip file
10:09 Database option on AWS for WordPress website
10:43 Create RDS instance for WordPress website
15:00 Connect RDS and EC2 instance
17:06 WordPress Installation on Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance
22:16 Summary

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#amazonwebservices #educational #edureka #edurekadevops #edurekatraining #cloudguru #stephanmarek #adriancantril


by AWS Ninjas

linux dns server

One thought on “Create and Deploy a WordPress Website on AWS EC2 with RDS – FREE! – WordPress on AWS Series(Part-02)

  • Please make video on AWS WAF and how to define rule in it?

    and please explain what is BOT attack, Ddos attack, Sql injecting and Cross scripting

    and how to protect Web server from these attacks with help of AWS WAF?

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