Create Linux Router with Ubuntu Server 14.04 and Webmin
Step by Step instructions on how to install Ubuntu Server 14.04 and configure it as a DHCP router and gateway with iptables firewall and Webmin GUI.
by Odd Random Thoughts
linux dhcp server
Step by Step instructions on how to install Ubuntu Server 14.04 and configure it as a DHCP router and gateway with iptables firewall and Webmin GUI.
by Odd Random Thoughts
linux dhcp server
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Does a VPN interfere with the setup? If it's a wifi lan do I need to configure it as hotspot. Click of a button on 20.04.
Excellent, is it possible to create VLANs on ubuntu server running as a router?
That was an excellent tutorial. My router is up and motsly working, only I cannot reach my LAN computers using their hostnames, yet. So I'll checkout the bind dns video 🙂
Why webmin is not available at Ubuntu repo?
Wonderfuuuuuul Thanks a lot 🌹
A bit late for this given the age of the video, but just wanted to say thanks for the tutorial. I am currently doing this setup on Ubuntu server 18.04 and, while a bit different in practice (lol jk a lot different) this video helped tremendously. Currently using webmin 1.891 dev to manage my home rack server with pihole as the dnsmasq service instead of bind9. Personally I prefer ad blocking as I don't really have a use for resolving hosts names to each of my devices on the network. Using Openvpn as well with two other subnets setup on the isc-dhcp-server and all able to talk to devices cross-subnet. Using my previous router as an AP because, well couldn't throw it out i guess 😀
Thanks a ton.
How can I do that over Tinc???
thanks for the tutorial, very useful , helped to configure webmin in my server rented from , expecting more videos
Hey, old video but just had a quick question. If I have a samba server on the machine running as a router, can I access it from devices on the network?
Great vid, thx!
Thanks a ton! Subscribed!! Just set up gigabit router on 16.04 LTS. I’m shocked at the number of IPs that are trying to access my computer. Any more tips on hardening security?
what about PING ..?
ping is not working with WebMin Firewall…….
Why don't use rout table?
Instead of this go for pfSense which has lot more options, I would say many options to try just like any commercial grade router or firewall. But anyway I appreciate your video.
Hey man and thanks for this very nice tutorial. I followed it and your port forwarding video and everything works as a charm! Just one thing though. I am not successful in opening ports for the router itself and was wondering if you could help out?
Arguably the best explained tutorial ever. Thank you for sharing your knowledge . And please do keep up the great work.
Would it be poor practice to host websites on the same linux box that webmin is running? How would I setup the two NIC so the websites will be routed out of the linux box to the managed switch back through the webmin router with in the same linux box and off to the internet?
Ill probably do this to either way, but i have a question.
I did get an "old" HP server from a relative for free as he does not need it anymore. It got 2 gigabit ethernet ports and another one (that i assume is for remotely powering on the server). I also have a cheap wireless router with a 100mbit switch inbuilt and a seperate gbit switch. Currently, im only running samba with a mdadm raid as a little home NAS on the hp server. The gbit switch is currently connected to the router and i have all the other stuff connected to the gbit switch. However, im still only getting 100mbit speeds when accessing my samba server. So, am i right assuming every single packet thats being sent, whether its within the network itself or outside, STILL has to go threw the router anyways as the router is my dhcp server?
Thank you for this, I finally had it with home routers and have decided to return to Linux. Previously I was on pfSense but I figure this will be a good educational opportunity. Cheers
cant access webmin from GUI