Linux serverlinux web serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONS

Create Your Own SSL Certificate Authority (on Linux)

In this video, we’ll walk through creating your own certificate authority on Linux so that you can run HTTPS sites locally without issue.

Check out the article:


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by Delicious Brains

linux web server

14 thoughts on “Create Your Own SSL Certificate Authority (on Linux)

  • 0:56 unless hosting 20 year old servers/clients, why on earth would someone use -des3 instead of -aes256?

  • Can you please make a video on how to trust a self signed certificate in chrome? I always get NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID. its security certificate does not specify Subject Alternative Names. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.

  • This is the highest-quality, easiest to follow video on this subject that I've found thus far. If you want to set up your own CA, this is the video you're looking for.

  • Verifying – Enter pass phrase for myCA.key ——- From where we will get the pass phrase? Where should we look for pass phrase. this step is giving error.

  • Hi. Good video, but it would have been helpful if an explanation had been added about adding the rootCA certificate into browser.

  • How to create the x509 config file please?

  • openssl x509 -req -in SN.test.csr -CA myCA.pem -CAkey myCA.key -CAcreateserial -out SN.test.crt -days 1825 -sha256 -extfile SN.test.ext
    x509: Unknown parameter -CAcreateserial
    x509: Use -help for summary.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • Best, clear and straightforward explanation on the tube.

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