Creating an IIS website on windows 2003 server Brendan King of King Computer Solutions Sydneys shows have to create an IIS website on windows 2003 server setting host headers and configuring frontpage 2002 extensions

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

10 thoughts on “Creating an IIS website on windows 2003 server

  • Simply set the header as blog.(yourwebsite).com and in DNS add an entry for blog under the domain which points to the webserver address.

  • Wow. This video answered so many of my question that no amount of written blogs or tutorials were able to explain. Thanks.

  • How would you do a sub website like blog.(yourwebsite).com ?

  • makasih buat infonya.. (thanks for your information)

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