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CRIME HOUR⚖️[PART 1] Bank I.P. Address traced 🔙 CreditCard Fraud & Setup with Purchases in your Name

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I am a Psychic channeller & medium in dedication to helping the collective.
My videos are meant to help you when you are seeking guidance and confirmation. My hope is to help you and others on your healing path, with understanding and compassion 🤍

May the divine bring my video to whomever it is meant for 🤍

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Please seek a professional when it comes to any financial, legal, or medical advice and rely on your own discernment and intuition when watching this video. This video is meant for entertainment purposes only.


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ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

44 thoughts on “CRIME HOUR⚖️[PART 1] Bank I.P. Address traced 🔙 CreditCard Fraud & Setup with Purchases in your Name

  • Ich,habe nimandem was angetan,und ich weiß nicht welche Mutter radnje hast du getan ,mein Unterschrift benutzt kopiert,transferiert hast,wills mkch in Gefängnis,stecken unshuldig,sheme dich,denke wie weres wenn deine Mutter jemand angetan hatund deine Mutter in Gefängnis gestekt

  • PPP Loans, mortgage auto, fraud, arrested and impersonated me etc etc etc🤡

  • I believe that is why our lord and savior has a iron fist at this point, i needed not that info as my mind is not that large , all we need is faith. Jus the facts.

  • They might have gotten away with it if not for her insane crazy jealousy 🤗

  • Good luck by the broken bells , for some reason i believe you will like it Lady loveslight! Victorious by Chuxx Morris with the shamen cover , this is how i percieve your confidence Lady Bee Priestess , most humbly and sincerely .

  • My Lady loveslight , to spell is to cast spells , I know not if you believe in this , I am old enough to certainly have seen it in my life , one of those is the name department , every store in America was a department store , where they go? Depart ment being mind throw in over matter and I always get that look you were talking about saying no way, tell me that's not true! Stores blue then black unto red light out of sight!

  • Start with the Court as to where they got the money, properties etc 🤣

  • I have told the police and nothing came from it , so how you read that. I am going on this will help the future of all We's from our 1 family tree imperfectly yet children of Creator most certainly , born free for 1 second only. Devil divinity, possibly you see my Lady

  • I don't care what they are doing ..I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ANY OF THIS CRAZINESS…THEIVES..

  • Butterfly float n Bee sting , priestess upon angels wings, I am sure the Trump Don is just from the disrespect shown a queen, I disrespect how this queens country did ours, but no one should disrespect a queen! My Bee Empress what should I do to find out something one can not ask devine counsel upon , my Lady I will not disclose that here, one must look me in the eyes while I ask my question, final answer.

  • Yes he’s a meth addict he does credit card fraud has stolen from me in the past I tried to lead him to rehab got him disability support workers then I found out he did black magic had to cut him off . He has a criminologist Psycologist support worker he’s been in n out of jail 12 times so far he’s a Preachers son that has childhood trauma sexual abuse at 8

  • I hope you're happy with your Jezebel wife and your third party I hope it was worth it with you done to me!

  • They really screwed up when they said that I was not capable of taking care of myself and they done fraudulent activity like I'm sick in a nursing home or hospice how am I going to be doing all this when I'm sick in the facility Did they ever think of that I can't be everywhere? Duh

  • This is a created hurricane That's what this is I don't know how these people can live with their self, He didn't even appreciate anything I did for him!

  • They've done way too much I don't know why my ex-husband done that to me That is horrible what he has done to me! Because when we got married I helped him even before I married him helped him get a car a 65 GTO and I cosigned Did you ever tell anybody what I did for you?

  • I’ve never owned a credit card nor do I believe in them. If I’m in need of a credit card to make online purchases I will purchase a prepaid credit card to do so. The last time I’ve used one of them would be exactly 9 years ago when I saw Rod Stewart in concert. If that helps investigators. My twin sister did steal my Treaty card and birth certificate along with my SIN #, that was how they were able to steal my inheritances. I believe they stole my laptop and my home computer as well as everything I’ve ever worked hard for. They have paid people to poison me, drug me. I’ve been raped, gang raped, stalked and gang stalked as well.

  • Asked for money Western Union to get room until next dsy to clean hiuse up but see my mistake was on line like this saying out of anger an frustration whst i was going to do an some one took full advantage of that situation sn get me caught up. So yes i know physco stalks the fuck out of me. With his Marlboro lights an navy military

  • The cops didn't do shit at all matter of fact blamed me. Even when i was in the right here u go example i bought grandbaby new csr seat Zac took it back to Walmart got money. I bought grand baby sgain s gste for house weird shape csuse at time older hiuse. Didn't work asked savannah sn Zac plz take back sn pick me something up quick cause they would know best what type of gste right refused to use gate stared argueing with me. Took the gste sn rest of money called police on me cause i picked there cell phone up fair trade. Physco again came to house told me to give phone bsck sn my stuff to bad idc they have a receipt sn on camera exchanging it all an i know phsco spys on me big time it all began oh fuck back in 2016 when Clara was at house an i went to wise msrket. An went in house why police idk they wanted to see u ok went out there an had nothing to do with me was about well check up on Geralds mother then when i was in all the way in Oklahoma i was searching how to steal a car once i csme back sn the fire Gerald said i did that pysco said gerald called him an said i did it wben cslled an

  • More i think about it the Kohl's sn boscovs csrd was a payment for some thing

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