21 thoughts on “Cry Cisco Afrodizziact

  • If I shut my eyes I'm back at future in London Thursday night 1987/88 with my pals and the good man Tony Wilson just playing tune after tune having the best time of our lives. Just didn't know it back then best days of my life. Thanks Tony 😢 if you weren't there your never understand 🎉

  • Was looking for this for a while. Had this on vinyl. Brings back great memories!!

  • Walker’s night club Newcastle my first Acid 😵‍💫

  • Whirlygig used to be a rave in a old church in london only went the once myself around 1989-90 ish

  • Same as someone said, I was listening to something that reminded of this tune and glad I found it. Thanks for the upload

  • Was just listening to some funk and reminded me of this tune. Was telling my missus who's younger than me my older bro who's not with us anymore used to thump this when I was a kid. We are driving back from climbing mount Nevis in Scotland thumping it in our v dub 😎 great memes ❤️🙏🏻

  • Massive massive tune massive thank you been searching forever for this

  • what a great choon from back then it doesn't seem to get much love compared to a lot of the more commercial stuff which is probably a good thing thanks for posting

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