CS 1.6 on Xash3D (CS16Client for Windows) – Crossplatform, Widescreen, Open Public Server
Counter-Strike 1.6 Xash3D for PC & Half-Life
-32 Players
-Cross Platform (Multiplayer) (Play with PC & Android & iOS & Linux & MacOS & PS Vita)
-Create Server & Play With Friends (NAT)
-Windows XP (SP3)/Vista/7/8/10/11 Compatible
Link: https://rb.gy/ftgoyx
Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/AxS4tVMn67
Join my Telegram: https://t.me/eXPerimentc023
cs 16 client download xash 3d win10 win7 winxp dowload counter strike 1 6
windows server
Read before commenting "wHy U rElEaSe tIs":
You can play against "Android, iOS, Linux, macOS and PS Vita".
You can replace 256 color textures with HD 16M Color ones.
You have native widescreen capability independent from the game code unlike HL25
You can run it on wide range of Windows versions from Windows XP to Windows 11
You can create servers to play with friends like Steam Network feature introduced in HL25
It's said to run better on low end systems compared to original version
You can play on the maps that exceeds the limit of the original engine
check my cs16client gameplay in my channel please
How do I avoid getting banned from the servers, or how can I fix that?
Warning: I will delete any comment unrelated to CS16Client/Xash3D!
Link: https://rb.gy/ftgoyx
Join my Discord: discord.gg/AxS4tVMn67
Join my Telegram: https://t.me/eXPerimentc023