Customizing Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
The wallpaper i used is here:
For the rest of the desktop i used the following extensions:
Fully Transparent Top Bar by aunetx :
Transparent Window Moving by Noobsai :
^^ set Opacity threshold to 200 in this extension’s settings. ^^
User Themes by fmuellner :
To get the Ubuntu Dock to look this way, I used dconf-editor. Inside dconf-editor click the search, and search for “dash”. You’ll see a dash to dock section. Single slick, and find the setting that says “Extend Height” and switch it off. Next find the setting “Background Opacity” Double click, and turn off “Use Default value”. Then where it says “custom value” enter the opacity level 0.29999999999999993. And of course set the dock to Auto Hide in the main Ubuntu appearance settings. And… that’s pretty much it.
I would also recommend installing the extensions update notifier, just to keep things up to date.
Extension Update Notifier by franglais125 :