Data Collab Lab | Scaling and Automating R with Databricks

Join the next episode of data collab lab with hosts Lee Blackwell and Franco Patano.

Details: While R is one of the most popular languages for analytics and data science today, it was not originally developed to work with large datasets and distributed computing systems. In this episode, Max Thone and Rafi Kurlansik will explain how to make the most of the R ecosystem with Databricks using Spark and MLflow. They’ll also discuss the benefits of working with R in the cloud by showing how to automate R jobs and keep costs under control.


Rafi Kurlansik is a Senior Solutions Architect at Databricks. Rafi began his career trading oil and gas futures before moving into data analytics and machine learning. He enjoys gardening, playing the guitar, and cooking for his 3 children.

Max Thone is a Resident Solutions Architect at Databricks. Max has a master’s degree in control engineering, and started his career in data analytics in the gaming industry. He enjoys running, traveling, and playing (board) games.


Lee Blackwell is a Solutions Architect at Databricks where she enables other Engineers, Analysts, and Data Scientists to build scalable and reliable data systems. She has focused her career around Data Engineering, having built production pipelines across many sectors including Finance, AdTech, Retail, and Healthcare. Lee studied Data Science in school and quickly recognized the need for high quality, curated data once she joined the workforce. She enjoys being able to bring her bubbly personality and over 10 years of deep yet diverse experience to the table.

Franco Patano is a Solutions Architect at Databricks, where he brings over 10 years of industry experience in data engineering and analytics. He has architected, managed, and analyzed data applications both big and small, with open source and proprietary software, utilizing SQL, Python, Scala, Java, and Apache Spark, as well as experimenting with data science. Prior to Databricks, Franco worked as a Data Architect and Analyst in the Commercial Real Estate, Banking, and Education industries for organizations large and small.

To join the live chat, check out the meetup page: https://www.meetup.com/data-ai-online/events/276156673/

Check out the Data Collab Lab Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTPXxbhUt-YVlgVRQMYRbMwMVLu2JUioa


by Databricks

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