Data recovery from a dead MicroSD card using PC3000 Flash and Spider Board (without soldering)
In this video, I demonstrate how to prepare a MicroSD card to read data directly from the memory chip (without soldering). This method can be used when it is not possible to read the card in the usual way.
Data recovery from a dead MicroSD card using PC-3000 Flash and Spider Board (Full video)
Recovering data from dead SSD drive using PC-3000 SSD:
centos 7
Data recovery from a dead MicroSD card using PC-3000 Flash and Spider Board (Full video ):
Professional work going on 😮
Bhai mujhe bhi apne sd card se data recover karwana hai pls help me
So? Whatcha get
I heard a DLT drive (or similar tape drive) seeking back and forth in the background 👀
But where's the data?
Does it work
All this for a measly sextape… 🫡
And so? Ok, it was decapsulated, but how the data was restored?
Can be this in real too😕😕😕
Note to self, microwave SD cards
I would pay for these services to recover my SD card that had all my music on it, but y'know…. $600+ is a lot for 300gb of music…
You clearly soldered wires to the prongs
I had no idea the insides looked like that, so cool! Alien tech lol
yea no soldering
You've seen "Surgery on a grape", now be prepared for "Surgery on a MicroSD card!"
This is extremely interesting
Proceeds to not show “data recovery”
its so interesting
I thought we will be seeing photos and pdf files under microscope. 😮
I love how the internal pcb traces are organic and flowing like old-school pcb’s
So easy!
I built probes like that with acupuncture needles one time
Maybe one day we can do this on a brain
I'd rather die instead of recovering the data that way
Когда собаке заняться нехуем она и яйца оближет
Very interesting shit.😁👍
Sir, my sd card has been cracked. How can you help me please sir

Now that I've got you right where I want you.. what is the krabby patty secret formula?
Where is the data recovery…?
When the brain surgeon gets into electronics as a hobby.
Anyone wants home based work then contact me 😊
Seems like to much work for such a little thing and smart people should know to copy stuff to multiple cards or devices so you would not have to do that
Looks like my password ain’t gonna protect my SD of personal files. 😖
Seems like they're all looking at him
Two wires was soldered! 😢
New Video: Data recovery from a dead USB Flash drive using PC3000 Flash and Spider Board (Kingston DTSE9 8GB)
هذا ماذا
Dude this is fucking insane! So cool.