DayZ 1.19: When Lag Attacks "Humvee Behaving Badly" Short.

Welcome to our new short.

We we’re chilling out, playing DayZ 1.19 Livonia cruising in our newly found Humvee after exploring the bunker and finding all sorts of cool stuff. A huge lag spike hits and sends the vehicle into a bouncy state of hilarious terror.

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5 thoughts on “DayZ 1.19: When Lag Attacks "Humvee Behaving Badly" Short.

  • Iā€™ve personally given up on dayz, no matter how many updates they come out with they canā€™t seem to fix the bugs already in the game, yet still keep pushing out more half ass broken glitchy content that only works half the timešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

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