DayZ Modding: ArmaToolbox for Blender: Installation & Running Through The Basics

ArmaToolbox for Blender: Installation & Running Through The Basics
P Drive
Blender – https://www.blender.org/
ArmaToolbox – https://github.com/AlwarrenSidh/ArmAToolbox

Extract ArmaToolbox.rar too C:Program FilesBlender FoundationBlender 2.822.82scriptsaddons
Open Blender. Preferences – Addons – Install – Navigate too C:Program FilesBlender FoundationBlender 2.822.82scriptsaddonsArmaToolbox and select __init__.py
At the bottom of the screen you should get a prompt saying the addon was installed. It might not show up in your Addons right away, if it doesn’t just restart Blender.

=====Basic LOD’s=====
Using the Arma 3 toolbar on the right side of the main window, we can assign Arma Object Properties too an Object in the Collection.
For this example i’ll make a cube, give it Arma Object Properties for a 1.00 LOD, then rename the Object & Mesh too match.
Vertex Groups in Object Data Properties, is equivelant too Selections in Object Builder, I will create a camo selection here.

Now, I’ll duplicate (Shift+D) the cube in the scene, seperate it (P -Selection), give it Arma Object Properties for Geometry LOD, then rename the Object & Mesh too match.
To Find Geometry Components, Arma 3 Tools toolbar (right side of the main window) – Arma Tools – Create Geometry Components .
Component01 selection will appear in Vertex Groups.
Geometry Components MUST have mass! To give a component Mass, Select the Component in Vertex Groups, then: Arma 3 Tools – Mass Tools – weight to set

=====Assign Texture and RVMAT=====
First i’ll navigate to the Shading viewport, and select my 1.00 Cube.
In Material Properties i’ll create a new material, and scroll down to Arma Toolbox Material Settings where i’ll assign a generic .paa texture and .rvmat
NOTE: Only Object’s with Arma Object Properties will have Arma Toolbox Material Settings in thier Materials.

Simply do: File – Export – Arma 3 P3D
If your having troubles with your exports not opening in OB, try: Arma 3 Tools – Arma Tools – Tesselate all non-quads



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