Debian Linux Email Server Part1 (Introduction)
This is the introduction video for my tutorials that will show you how to Install an email server on Debian 8 Jessie, made up of: Postfix, Dovecot, SpamAssassin, Greylist, ClaimAV, Postfixadmin, and PHPMyAmdin.
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
*Note: At 33:00 – What I meant when I drew a line from Rainloop to the client machine was that Rainloop running on the client (Through the browser) will send the email directly through postfix. The point of the web client is that the web client is your client and no further software is needed. Big thanks to Jim Storch for pointing out this bit of confusion.
**Note: The Let’s encrypt service I mention in the video will not be available until November 16, 2015 according to their FAQ. Also they state in their FAQ that they will be using Identrust root certs so their issued certs will be trusted in many places from day one. You can read more here:
And their FAQ is located here:
I hope to have the remaining videos up within the next few weeks. Thank you for your patience.
by Joe McEntire
linux smtp server