Deploy & configure an SFTP server on Windows Server 2022
In this video, you will learn you how to deploy & configure an SFTP server on Windows.
Table of chapters
00:00 – Introduction
00:28 – FTPS vs. SFTP
01:48 – Install & configure SFTP server
04:53 – Set Custom SFTP port
06:25 – Allow or deny access to SFTP
09:00 – Connect to OpenSSH server
10:23 – Change default SFTP directory
11:42 – Troubleshooting SFTP connections
by vCloudBitsBytes
linux ftp server
wonderfully explained followed and achieved thanks a lot
How can I give different chrootDirectory for different user?
Excellent solution for me after 3 weeks of trying hard to get work down. I see you have a deep knowledge of PowerShell and its funtion. Do you know how to work with nginx to create a reversed proxy? I really would appreciate your ideas and comments.
Excellent – everything works thank you
Per RFC 4217, FTPS uses port 21 as its control port, same as FTP. However, in practice, IANA has assigned ports Well Known Ports 989 and 990 to use for FTPS. Port 22 has never been associated with FTPS.
How can i create a user account to login in sftp server??
Is it possible to get a list of all commands from PowerShell? Thanks.
Excellent, thank you for the detailed instructions