Deploy Django on Windows using Microsoft IIS

Tutorial on how to deploy you Django web project on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and Google Cloud.


Apologies for all the background noise, there was construction in my neighborhood.

#Python #Django #Deploy #WindowsIIS #WindowsServer


windows server


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

22 thoughts on “Deploy Django on Windows using Microsoft IIS

  • Even after 4yrs later from publishing this video, it's being helpful!
    Thanks a lot for such a nicely explained tutorial. ❤

  • Really great tutorial but you should replace that .bat with a requirements.txt and use a virtual environment to keep your python install clean

  • Bro, you save my life!!! I could never deploy on windows…1st time! Thx a lot

  • Thanks a lot. Seriously I have been doing this for the past one week. But now I am done with this . Thanks a lot

  • I have deployed my django rest api , everything works fine but when i select data and send post request to api , page starts loading and after some time it shows error : HTtp error 500: internal server error . The FastCgi process exceeded configured activity timeout.
    Please help me with this

  • where does the "web-config-template" file come from?
    Does it create itself or did you create it?

  • Hola, es una forma sencilla de deplegar desde windows sin embargo la libreria crontab no me funciona corriendo sobre IIS, alguna solución?

  • Will i need a VM if i am already on a Window 10 computer and will there be some extra steps ?

  • Great video and tutorial!
    Do any of you know how to configure multiple django apps on iis using different virtual environments? Can’t find anything on how to use different environments for different apps.

  • Thanks Johnny for making this video. There are not lot of people out there who will create such tutorials. You saved the day man. Keep up the good work and charity.

  • Hello sir i phase this error :
    'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

    operable program or batch file.

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