Deploy Vue.js app to an Apache server 2020 (shared Linux hosting) – Code with bro
Hi guys, today, i’ll be sharing with you guys how to actually deploy/host your vue app on an apache server. I had a similar issue …
by CodewithBro
linux web server
Hi guys, today, i’ll be sharing with you guys how to actually deploy/host your vue app on an apache server. I had a similar issue …
by CodewithBro
linux web server
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When i use svelte had has a problem like this. Why haven't dot?
horrible voice sound, full of brights … annoying
gracious for the video amigos
Thank you, just needed the dot in front of path!!
You helped me a lot, bro. Thanks!
thank you bro i faced this problem today and i solved it with your advice
Thank you so much, I was limited on that point, it was difficult to use Vue CLI becaise of deploying problem.
Thanks alot
Yo sé que no hablas espanol. Yo tampoco entiendo nada de lo que hablas, pero diste con la solución, gracias. Saludos de Venezuela
Gracias!!!!! dias y dias buscando la solucion, saludos desde Argentina!!
Do you still help people out?
bro when I open my project it opens a blank page with navbar sit on the top. it does not open homePage directly like in node server, so I should open it from the navbar. please help to make it open homePage directly or / page
thank you very much
thank u so so so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!
brother, you solve a question that have since lot time ago… THANKS SO MUCH ! Respect for you !
it really help , you are a life saver
Gracias este tutorial pude resolver la publicación de mi sitio en un servidor Debian 10. Thanks very much.
Create a file named vue.config.js in the home directory where the package.json file is located and paste the following code into it.
module.exports = {
publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
? './'
: '/'
now npm run build to deploy again
thak youuuu dude!!!!!! now I am able to post my projects on github pages 🙂
We recently wrote a script which helps do the job with no stress.
Note: This script is most helpful when you want to be productive.
really helped me out. thankyou. you eaned yourself a sub. just one thing. rest of my App works perfectly on apache server however images are still not loading and giving 404 error. please help me out