Deploying OpenShift Origin 1.3 on CentOS 7

This video demonstrates preparing a node for Origin, running “oc cluster up” to deploy a containerized installation of Origin, deploying a sample application, and making the application accessible from the web.

The same procedure can be used on Fedora and RHEL.

Digital Ocean:

OpenShift Origin:

“oc cluster up” Instructions:

General docs:


centos 7

11 thoughts on “Deploying OpenShift Origin 1.3 on CentOS 7

  • Great Quick Tutorial!

  • Thank you Seth , very interesting tutorial

  • Mine wont finish the cluster start up. I get this error.

    "[463.982] [463.982] initial value restored
    [1.584983991] [1.584520009] Transaction prepared
    "GuaranteedUpdate etcd3: *api.ClusterPolicyBinding"
    [26.456589354] [24.871605363] END
    E0501 tokens_controller.go:331] error populating serviceaccount token openshift-infra/service-ingress-ip-controller-token for service account service-ingress-ip-controller: etcdserver: request timed out

  • It is worth noting this is a temporary installation. If you restart docker you will lose everything.

  • Does anyone know how to use a valid (not self-signed) SSL certificate for the installation and console?

  • Thanks for the nice intro!

    I want to create my own private cluster at home using some OLD PCs as low cost simulation of a real cluster at reduced scale. But first it seems creating an openshift environment inside a VM or droplet like this would be a good learning step.

  • Great video! I was able to get everything to work except I couldn't access the console. I could get to the app via DNS name but not the openshift console.

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