Destroying the Economy on Minecraft’s WORST Pay-to-Win Server – WildPrison
Today we are going to have a little fun with duping on WildPrison, possibly one of the most pay-to-win servers I’ve ever seen.
Thanks to TraoX , deotime , Isak , and Duper Trooper for helping to make this video possible!
windows server
EDIT: Mojang literally contacted me telling me that they got wayyyy too many server reports. So I removed the link for time being.
Casually holding 16k per stack
ayo. r slurs arent cool.
Thas 25 sextillion
This server is venezuela on steroids lol
like 25 SEPTILION!? bruh venezuela was on trillion
Video starts at 11:48
where is da link in descritpin bro
nicee future client homie 😀
aint no way i heard the words one-hundred-thousand dollars, in one sentence. defining the difference between two types of blocks and or DIGITAL NUMBER
I don't play Minecraft and I have very little idea what's going on, but I support what you're doing.
sadly it seems the server is still up 🙁 but you did a great job, i also just saw the discount is still the same, so they claim its still discounted
The fact that those Minecraft servers charge more and have 2-3 times as expensive tiers than even the majority of popular gacha games out there, which are already trying to maximize their profits by using questionable monetization methods, says alot.
just checked and seems like this server is still up and running LMAO wtff
edit: spelling
Jesse we need to dupe
0:51, it is infact sextillion if you count the 0s
2:50 what was thar red thing that popped up your screen
If I was someone who enjoyed the game and spent money on it and this happened I would be devastated
dupe to win 💀💀💀💀💀
the cookie clicker comment was spot on
My new mouse has a button that counts as 3 left clicks when i press it once
I wish people would do things like this for gmod servers!
Reminds me of the good old days when lots of servers didn't block cracked clients from connecting to servers. You could edit the txt so your name was Notch and you'd have his player model and a cape (which was super rare back then) and you could troll entire servers by pretending to be the game's creator. Fun times lining spawn areas with TNT once they gave me mod lol
When saying that the drop rates are faked you need to remember that a 2% chance is different the quaranteed 2/100 drop
ur like the mansa musa of p2w
Imagine.. you’re a kid and ask your parents to buy you one of these super expensive ranks for Christmas or use your birthday money on it.. then realize how much you wasted on it..
lol i been playing this server recently (legit), there's still p2w like similar to other servers but it's not as bad as what this monstrosity was lmao
how do you even find out how to dupe lmfaooo
What is the client thaf popped up at 2:50 pls say it
Minecraft counterfeit
Até pensava que o Craftlandia tinha uma economia horrorosamente inflada, mas esse servidor americano nem se compara.
He opened his hacks at 2:50 how is he not canceled