DFO 101: Improve Connectivity with Port Forwarding and Google DNS | DFO
Rise talks about how to improve connectivity and reduce lag in this video!
Skip to setup tutorial: 2:41
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DFO/comments/32pksc/guide_improve_connectivity_with_port_forwarding/
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1B1nJPk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/risemt
Tumblr: http://RiseMT.tumblr.com
Google+: http://google.com/+RisemtDFO
Here are all the ports you need!
Ghent C = 10015
Ghent B = 10014
Ghent A = 10013
Ice Wall C = 10012
Ice Wall B = 10011
Ice Wall A = 10019
Behemoth C = 10018
Behemoth B = 10017
Behemoth A = 10016
Castaway C = 10015
Castaway B = 10014
Castaway A = 10013
Meltdown C = 10012
Meltdown B = 10011
Meltdown A = 10019
Silver Crown F = 10018
Silver Crown E = 10017
Silver Crown D = 10016
Silver Crown C = 10015
Silver Crown B = 10014
Silver Crown A = 10013
Towers = 10011
Trade = 10012
PvP 101 = 10016
PvP 102 = 10017
Party = 5063
Music: Bensound.com
by RiseMT
windows server dns forwarder