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DHCP Relay-Agent Configuration in Packet Tracer Step by Step | CCNA Training | DHCP Server |

DHCP Relay-Agent Configuration in Packet Tracer Step by Step | CCNA Training | DHCP Server |

Hi, Welcome to PM Networking…
My name is Praphul Mishra. I am a Network Engineer by profession and a trainer by passion.

About this video:-
In this video, you will learn.
1. How to Configure DHCP Relay Agent.
2. What is DHCP Server.
3. DHCP Server Configuration .
4. DHCP,DNS and HTTP server.

CCNA Configuration in English :-

CCNA Interview Topics wise Lecture :-

Interview Questions and Answers :-

Cisco Basic Configuration :-

CCNA(Routing and Switching) Complete Course :-

CCNA(Routing and Switching) Practical :-

BGP :-

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by PM Networking

linux dhcp server


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

6 thoughts on “DHCP Relay-Agent Configuration in Packet Tracer Step by Step | CCNA Training | DHCP Server |

  • Sir, what router did you used?
    My question is because I cant assign IP addresses on layer 2 ports on routers, most if not all routers in packet tracer only has two layer three ethernet ports, or is there another way to enable the device to have more than two layer three interfaces? Thanks sir

  • you are the only one who attempted to configure the server properly . weldone chief .

  • wow it is an easy and good video. i hope i would buy you coffee one day. thank you sir!!

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