DHCP SERVER configuration on CISCO PACKET TRACER to Assign IP address. #dhcp#ciscopackettracer
What is DHCP? How to Configure DHCP SERVER on CISCO PACKET TRACER & Assign IP address.
In this video I have shown how to create a simple network with a switch, 1 SERVER and multiple end devices in Cisco Packet Tracer.
You will learn how to configure the PCs easily & automatically using DHCP server after watching the video.
installing and configuring dhcp server and assign ip addresses to client machines using dhcp server using packet tracer tool,
installing and configuring dhcp server and assign ip addresses to client machines using dhcp server,
how to assign ip address in cisco packet tracer,
How does DHCP work?
This video gives details of how DHCP works, DHCP process, types of DHCP messages, and DHCP packet format. How DHCP server assigns an IP address to DHCP client?
DHCPDiscover – Looks for a DHCP server
DHCPOffer – The DHCP server offers an address
DHCPRequest – The host requests to lease the address
DHCPACK – DHCP server sends the IP addresses to the host
#DHCP, #DynamicHostConfigurationProtocol, #DHCPServerConfiguration, #WhatIsDHCP, #Cisco_Packet_Tracer, #computernetwork #DHCPConfiguration, #DHCPserver, #AutoIP, #AutoIPconfiguration, #DHCPExplained, #DHCPExplainedStepbyStep, #CiscoPacketTracer,
#CCNA, #internet
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