Did a Massive Toothbrush DDOS Just Happen?

Hello guys and gals, it’s me Mutahar again! This time we take a look at what appears to be a story that involves three million smart toothbrushes allegedly being used in a botnet to spread havoc. Is it true? Let’s find out! Thanks for watching!
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by SomeOrdinaryGamers

linux dns server

27 thoughts on “Did a Massive Toothbrush DDOS Just Happen?

  • There are too many smart devices. My mom's dishwasher does not need a fucking wifi connection.

  • this reminds me of the printer i have. was the only printer i could find that could do what i needed. sadly its an HP. so what do i do? only plug it in when i need it!

  • funny i heard something similar about connected s3xtoys ^^ 5-6 years ago to enable their gps via their phone. Pretty much sure we will hear something like that in the future.

  • It most likely did not happen, there's like no evidence, and also most smart tooth brushes aren't connected to the internet (in most cases they use bluetooth), unlike some IoT devices.

  • “Smart” anything is just the worlds best sales pitch…. as well as, “I” and “e” 😂🤣🤦‍♂️🤪

  • /s

    if I don't have a smart toothbrush how else am I going to get a brand new Skyrim experience?

  • india times, ringa dinga dinga dingah

  • i have heard storys of random chinese teck coming with a full dolphing inside thatshould not be there

  • Not to mention most hacks into smart devices happen simply from a lack of a password. I can see one use for a toothbrush needing internet is that is allow a person to monitor your progress with a personal dentist, you rich son of a b.

  • Maybe I should bring this up to my dentist in a couple weeks.

  • I guess there's a toothbrush on the swiss army knife now yeah?

  • I had no idea these existed. 😂 Stuff like this makes me think is the result of all those crappy infomercial products where the actors are doing a simple, mundane task and manage to make it look like they are simultaneously in the middle of a hurricane. So, now, we have all this new "tech" for problems we never had.

  • Watching Muta after studying and getting certifications in IT makes me feel so smart, I'm just nodding along like "mhm mhm he's right"

  • Take a stance and DONT PROMOTE your videos to stop the copyright greed. Why because Dave Jones did a video on this and your actually worse off. Pass it on

  • Thanks for your service on getting rid of misinformation.

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