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different terms in terminal

Here are some different terminal commands and terms, categorized by their usage and functionality:

# File and Directory Management
– `ls`: List directory contents.
– `cd`: Change directory.
– `pwd`: Print working directory.
– `mkdir`: Make directories.
– `rmdir`: Remove empty directories.
– `rm`: Remove files or directories.
– `cp`: Copy files and directories.
– `mv`: Move or rename files and directories.
– `touch`: Create an empty file or update the timestamp of an existing file.
– `cat`: Concatenate and display files.
– `less`: View file contents one screen at a time.
– `head`: Output the first part of files.
– `tail`: Output the last part of files.

### File Permissions
– `chmod`: Change file modes or Access Control Lists.
– `chown`: Change file owner and group.
– `chgrp`: Change group ownership.

### Process Management
– `ps`: Report a snapshot of current processes.
– `top`: Display Linux tasks.
– `htop`: Interactive process viewer.
– `kill`: Send a signal to a process.
– `killall`: Kill processes by name.
– `bg`: Resume a job in the background.
– `fg`: Bring a job to the foreground.
– `jobs`: List active jobs.

### Network Commands
– `ping`: Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts.
– `curl`: Transfer data from or to a server.
– `wget`: Retrieve files from the web.
– `ifconfig`: Configure network interfaces.
– `netstat`: Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships.
– `ssh`: OpenSSH remote login client.
– `scp`: Secure copy (remote file copy program).
– `ftp`: File Transfer Protocol client.

### System Information
– `uname`: Print system information.
– `df`: Report file system disk space usage.
– `du`: Estimate file space usage.
– `free`: Display amount of free and used memory in the system.
– `uptime`: Tell how long the system has been running.

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by EtherCoders

linux ftp server