Disk Defragmenter Not Working Windows 7/8/10

How to fix disk defragmenter not working in Windows.

Are you running Windows Vista or Windows 7 operating system? Have you ever had the problem where the Disk Defragmenter tool is NOT opening or Failing to start even when you try to run as an administrator?

Disk defragmentation is the process of consolidating fragmented files on your computer´s hard disk. Fragmentation happens to a hard disk over time as you save, change, or delete files. The changes that you save to a file are often stored at a location on the hard disk different from the original file. Your computer slows down as it has to look in many different places to open a file.

Disk Defragmenter is the tool that rearranges the data on your hard disk and reunites fragmented files so your computer can run more efficiently. In Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems, Disk Defragmenter can run manually or on a schedule.

If you don´t know what I am talking about! That´s great. But continue reading anyway, you´ll never know if/when this happens to you and this tutorial might help.

Have you encountered when you Click on the Disk Defragmenter tool, nothing happened? Or when you Right Click on the Disk Defragmenter tool and choose Open, or “Run as Administrator” nothing happened? If you did, then this tutorial might help you with a solution.

This tutorial will apply for computers, laptops, desktops,and tablets running the Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7 operating systems.Works for all major computer manufactures (Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, Samsung).


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