Divi Chat Episode 214 – How To Migrate A Divi Website
Do website migrations stress you out??
There are multiple reasons a website may need moved from one server to another. A simple mistake can cause the whole process to fail…and take down a website 😱
Never fear – Divi Chat is here! 💪 Understanding the process and following a consistent set of checks can take the anxiety out of this vital operation.
Today on Divi Chat we will tackle the following elements of any WordPress migration:
• What elements need to be moved
• What tools or methods can be used
• What potential issues to watch out for
💬 Hope to see you in the live chat on FB or YouTube!
Hosts Present:
Stephanie Hudson – https://focuswp.co/
Mike Devitt – https://webdesignpro.co/
Eric Dingler – https://intransitstudios.com/ & https://coastalcitycreative.com/
Tim Strifler – https://divilife.com/
Resources Mentioned:
Migrate Guru: https://wordpress.org/plugins/migrate-guru/
Manage WP: https://managewp.com/
Velvet Blues: http://www.velvetblues.com/web-development-blog/wordpress-plugin-update-urls/
Josh Hall Tutorial: https://joshhall.co/how-to-manually-migrate-your-wordpress-site/
All-in-One Migration: https://wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/
Xenu: https://xenus-link-sleuth.en.softonic.com/
Yoast SEO: https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/
Stephanie’s Launch Checklist: https://focuswp.co/the-ultimate-website-launch-checklist/
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Episode Blog Post: https://divi.chat/ep-214-how-to-migrate-a-divi-website/
by Divi Chat
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