DNS hijacking | Cybersecurity
Hello and Welcome back to my YouTube Channel. Hope you are all doing well. Per my last video I committed that if I will get 100 Likes I will create a series of videos about hacking, and since we already close to the target, I have decided to create another one and this time, on DNS.
So whats on the agenda for today: What is DNS? How does DNS works? Type of DNS Attacks (At least the most common ones), Tools and methods to allow you to better understand the DNS arena, and some hands on!!!! Are you guys excited? Then let us begin!
0:00 – 0:44 Opening
0:45 – 0:54 Channel Introduction Video
0:55 – 2:51 What is DNS?
2:52 – 4:16 WHOIS – Know who owns the domains / IP address
4:17 – 7:05 How DNS works?
7:06 – 8:30 DNS Lookup (Recursive, Root, TLD, Authoritative)
8:31 – 9:41 Hands-on I – NSlookup
9:42 – 12:08 DNS Hijacking, DNS Hacking, DNS Attacks, DNS redirection
12:09 – 16:43 DNS attacks (DDoS, Spoofing, Cache poisoning, Snooping)
16:44 – 18:32 Hands-on II – DOG tool
18:33 – 20:12 How to identify DNS attack?
20:13 – 21:11 Risks of DNS attacks
21:12 – 23:05 How to protect your DNS environment?
23:06 – 25:36 Tools you MUST know (Scapy, SearchSploit, DNS Spoof, MSFconsule, Metaspoit, Dig)
25:37 – 26:51 BONUS – Build your own Bing9 server
26:52 – 28:01 Summary
More video’s about hacking and ethical hacking:
1. How to build your own Hacking lab – https://youtu.be/vnYmb6spw30
2. Hacking APIs – https://youtu.be/1t5wXWFI0yU
3. OSINT – https://youtu.be/M038ST3OMDc
4. What is Ethical Hacker – https://youtu.be/xGmAdc6n3o4
Description Links:
1. Installation Guide for WHOIS – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/whois
2. NSlookup – https://www.nslookup.io/)
3. DOG – https://dns.lookup.dog/
4. F-secure – https://www.f-secure.com/en/home/free-tools/router-checker
5. Who is My DNS.com – http://whoismydns.com
Hacking Challenges by VulnHub – http://www.vulnhub.com/
6. How to build Bind9 server – https://www.isc.org/bind/
Watch more cyber security fundamental videos
1. Stuxnet – https://youtu.be/fLwLRvp1YFA
2. Cybersecurity Kill Chain – https://youtu.be/ON-Yco_p3OE
3. Red Vs Blue teams in cybersecurity – https://youtu.be/vOhvvYtVi6w
4. OSINT – Open Intelligence tools – https://youtu.be/M038ST3OMDc
5. Does VPN Prevent Hacking – https://youtu.be/VmUb83ZV5RM
6. How to get into cybersecurity with no experience – https://youtu.be/XMBO–XpMO4
7. The Secrets of the DarkWeb – https://youtu.be/uBCrWsFdlyo
8. NIST cybersecurity framework – https://youtu.be/0AzuGLVlJAA
9. Deadly Ransomware attacks – https://youtu.be/kv3CB-W18hU
10. What is ethical hacking – https://youtu.be/xGmAdc6n3o4
11. Top 5 cybersecurity books – https://youtu.be/b21wrqwHODM
12 . Cyber Security Career – https://youtu.be/rkE66YL_Q24
13. Top 10 cybersecurity threats 2021- https://youtu.be/vS8OVjXrqm0
14. Weak passwords | Consequences and Best Practices – https://youtu.be/T6rW4ZHpsjk
15. Hacking APIs – https://youtu.be/1t5wXWFI0yU
My channel contains videos about cybersecurity fundamentals, such as cloud computing, cloud networking, ethical hacking, infosec, IT security, and machine learning.
Be in the loop on the latest videos. Subscribe to my channel and join our growing community! ►►SUBSCRIBE: https://cutt.ly/YanivHoffman
Thank you for being here!
Stay Safe and Healthy,
Yaniv Hoffman
by Yaniv Hoffman
linux dns server
Where is the link to the Dog tool video?
Great content 💗💗 good explanation sir.
Yaniv, this one is exceptionally well made – practically selected materials with detail and patient explanation, not to mention the vivid graphics. Keep it up! Shame that I could only like it once 🥺
Gone through this. Well explained in easy way. Have to learn alot from you hitting subscribe..Thanks😍😊
Hi Everyone, this is 2nd video in series of hacking….. please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and MOST importantly, leave your comments and wishes so i could create additional video's on this subject